Women leaders: She leads 130 healthcare workers at the Home Nursing Foundation to care for the sick and frail

Dr. Tiong spearheaded the establishment of two top daycare facilities in Hougang and Buangkok for elders with dementia and agility impairment who require nighttime control shortly after joining HNF in 2018.

She also established an angklung club and an exercise facility in Buangkok to join seniors.

We must realize that each of us has a need for meaning, intent, and commitment. So how do we empower]patients ] to live purposefully”? she said.


More recently, Dr. Tiong and her team started providing end-of-life care to patients who choose to move on in their own houses.

” Close to 40 per cent of our clients are at the end of existence”, she said. ” Many of them may have been hospitalized regularly. Often, they feel that that is not what they want. They wish to continue at house. We have that discussion and give them more help.

This includes 24/7 call assistance for patients who are “desperate or lost” as well as home visits to offer preventative treatment and pain management. The medical staff also provides caregivers with information on how to comfort patients and the end-of-life symptoms.

An old woman who had dementia and severe liver ailment and passed away peacefully at home surrounded by family members who held her, prayed for her, and sang to her in 2023 was one of the 50 people HNF supported.

” When I was younger, I thought, you only live again. But now as I grow older, I realise you simply leave again.

” Having a good end- of- life experience gives]patients ] peace of mind, a sense of closure … It is also important for the family to feel well supported – that it was n’t so rushed that they did n’t have the ability to fulfill their loved ones ‘ wishes,” she reflected.

All IS A Chief

Such tasks put a lot of strain on the healthcare staff physically and emotionally. Dr. Tiong’s main job as CEO is to help her team have enough money in their tank to treatment for another.

She places a high priority on staff welfare initiatives like regular exercise, Family Day, and family-life sessions so that employees who are kids also learn how to take good care of their own households.

She also makes sure that there are education programs that encourage her owner’s professional development.