Why Singapore vets are prescribing psychiatric meds to pets

Possibilities EXHAUSTED

In response to queries from CNA, a National Parks Board ( NParks ) representative said psychiatric medication for pets&nbsp, may “be used to address behavioural conditions such as generalised anxiety, panic disorders and fear-related aggression”. &nbsp,

” As with other animal medications, veterinarians can offer behavioural changes medicine to their clients for their pets, where needed”, said&nbsp, Dr Charlene Fernandez, group director of professional and medical services.

When using this medication to improve behavior training,” AVS ( Animal and Veterinary Service ) encourages veterinarians to work closely with their clients and their pets ‘ trainers.”

Vets who spoke to CNA described medical treatments as being comprehensive and not something to be rushed. &nbsp,

For one, Dr. Loon of Amber Vet cited additional clinical tests to rule out potential health problems that may be the cause of behavioral modifications.

” Pain can be a huge and popular reason”, he said.

Dr Heng however said she first looks &nbsp, at the dog’s health story, and tries to detect any potential causes for behavioral changes.

Unless the dog has been to another clinics or has a previous examination, &nbsp, medical treatment is not the first proposed solution, she said. &nbsp,

” Commonly, after two to three visits, if those options are exhausted, users will be available to pharmaceutical therapy”, she said, though she noted there have been some immediately afraid of the approach.

Dr Heng warned that users may never self-medicate their dogs in any position.

” The dose costs for animals are quite different from people”, she said. “( And ) human medicines may have different additives and concentrations”.

Dr Loon added that some drugs may have” serious and potentially&nbsp, lethal side effects if combined up”, possibly leading to an altered psychological state, body spasms and convulsions in dogs.