Water pollution in Jakarta: Some residents resort to buying clean water from neighbours

Water pollution in Jakarta: Some residents resort to buying clean water from neighbours


The city’s capital town now has access to clean water in a proportion of 65 % of cases, and the city’s authorities have set an ambitious goal of 100 % by 2030. &nbsp,

Additionally, the state is accelerating the building of fresh water pipelines. &nbsp,

Hendri, the acting secretary of the Jakarta Water Resources Department, stated that “work is being done” to construct pipes in the Special Region of Jakarta so that people can eventually receive clean water from those pipes.

The network system’s goal is to prevent people from pumping good water, which increases the risk of property collapse, particularly in North Jakarta, which is a problem.

For Cilincing native Yulia Mayau, who buys her fresh water source from neighborhood, filling one hour’s worth of water charges her about US$ 1.85 and lasts her just three weeks. &nbsp,

After that, she must wait until her turn to once more pack up her offer.

” It is expensive. It is a great expense”, she said. &nbsp,

The liquid service provider claims they need at least 10 homes to place a pump and a network if they want to install it. In the area towards the lake, there are often bottlenecks and pump mistakes”.

Local water sellers who sell it to CNA claimed that their homes ‘ pumps are only for personal use and that they are not permitted to do so.

After a spot-check by the government, a citizen who was caught selling water claimed to have received a US$ 300 fine.

A 2, 000L waters storage tank in its proximity is accessible to those who live 80 meters away from the ocean, but leaks in the pond cause the water to run out more quickly than expected.