Wary Filipino fishermen continue to fish in disputed waters, despite China’s maritime detention rule


Some Filipino sailors, including Mr. Freddie Legaspi, have continued to fish at the contested Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea despite China’s new regulation’s threat to prosecute sea intruders.
Scarborough Shoal, a group of islands and mountains renowned for their rich waters and coastal resources, is a claim made by both China and the Philippines.
A monument 2016 decision on the South China Sea by an administrative panel convened under the supervision of the Permanent Court of Arbitration found that China’s siege of the reef was in violation of international law. The judge noted that some nations had a history of hunting there.
But China has ignored the decision.
” Sometimes, when we are near Scarborough, we are shooed aside by the China beach watch, so we are forced to travel further”, Mr Legaspi told CNA.
” We’re somewhat worried now because of China’s fresh theft law. But our bass aggregating unit is near Scarborough, so we need to go there”.
Such a system, which is used to bring fish, may cost at least US$ 1, 300. They typically consist of floating objects attached to the sea floor.
Local fishermen and boat owners who refuse to leave such things at ocean despite potential collisions with China’s coast guard consider it to be a rough investment.
The motor on the boat that Mr. Legaspi was sailing exploded 17 coastal kilometers west of Scarborough in late June. He suffered second-degree burn, but had to wait two hours before he was rescued.
The Spanish coast guard claims that the beach guard’s initial blocking of its rescue mission, which was supposed to assist the crew, was accidental.
Mr Legaspi’s family, Laurence, is worried about the health expenses for his burn injuries.
” It’s better if the government has resources for accidents at water faced by fisherfolk”, she said.
” Many of us rely on fish as our primary means of income. I hope the government continues to guard Scarborough”.