Wang Yi to Washington, arranging a Xi-Biden summit

In advance of a planned summit between the heads of state of China and the US second month, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi may travel to the United States from October 26 to October 28 to match with his British counterparts.

According to Mao Ning, a spokeswoman for China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang was invited to visit the US by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. & nbsp,

Mao stated that Wang will discuss Sino-US relationships and local issues that are of interest to both sides during his US vacation. Wang will also meet with US representatives from various industries, according to her, to discuss China’s problems and guiding principles for their marriage. & nbsp,

She stated that China hopes the US will assist in carrying out a significant agreement reached by Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Joe Biden in Bali, Indonesia, last November, and to work together to advance China-US connections in order to get back on the path of stable and healthy growth.

On November 14, 2022, US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping watched from the outside of the G20 conference in Bali, Indonesia. Pool photo

Blinken and Wang” may discuss a range of diplomatic, regional, and international issues as part of continuing efforts to properly manage the US-China relationship and to maintain open channels of communication ,” according to US Department of State statement from Monday.

The US will continue to use politics to improve its values, address issues of distinction, and solve common international problems, the State Department added.

One of Wang’s main tasks, according to Washington officials, will be to get ready for the meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Joe Biden on November 15 and 17 at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation ( APEC ) Summit in San Francisco. & nbsp,

During his trip to the US, Wang reportedly may also join Jake Sullivan, Biden’s national security advisor, though it is unclear if he will be able to do so this time.

Charm is unpleasant

According to a review published by the Wall Street Journal on Monday, China has recently started an charm offensive to set the stage for the proposed Xi-Biden conference. & nbsp,

While Chinese baseball person Yao Ming is in New York this year, the report claimed that academic exchanges between China and the US have recently increased. Han Zheng, the vice president of China, urged funding in the country during the September General Assembly of the United Nations. & nbsp,

According to the report, Beijing wants to foster a” less very charged” environment prior to and following the Xi-Biden mountain.

But, there are still differences between the US and China regarding local wars.

On October 14, Blinken held an hour-long phone call with Wang and urged China to use its influence to drive for peace in the Middle East after Hamas insurgents launched terrorist attacks that killed 1,400 people in Israel on October 7. & nbsp,

However, up until this point, Beijing has merely urged all parties to stop firing and hold talks rather than denouncing Hamas for its assault.

Liu Qingbin, a former teacher at the Institute of Advanced Sciences at Yokohama National University in Japan, claims in an essay that the Wang-Blinken meeting will focus heavily on the Israel-Has issue.

According to Liu,” China is the only third party that you talk to both sides of the regional conflicts, from the Ukrainian-Russian problems to the Palestinian-Israeli issue ,” citing” our regular objective and neutral position.”

The US is a significant third party that is deeply involved in the issue, whether it is Russia-Ukraine, Palestine-Israel, or the Korean Peninsula problem. It even wants to win over China to change its position, he claims. These incidents demonstrated that both China and the US have their tasks in global problems and are willing to sacrifice, rather than moving in opposite directions, even though its purpose is unlikely to be realized.

” No self-serving pursuits!”

Wang told Jewish Foreign Minister Eli Cohen on Monday over the phone that only a political agreement with Palestine did fully address Israel’s legitimate security issues. He asserted that the global society as a whole supports the two-state option. & nbsp,

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict needs to stop from getting worse, according to the Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi( Left ) and the Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen. ANI picture

According to him,” China has no self-serving interests in the Palestinian issue and truly hopes that the two-state solution will lead to a comprehensive and equitable resolution to the issue.” ” China will steadfastly support something that promotes peace, and it will do everything in its power to facilitate the peace between Palestine and Israel.”

Wang also had a phone call on Monday with Riyad Al-Maliki, the foreign minister of Palestine, who expressed his sincere gratitude to China for” upholding fairness, sending out an outright communication, standing tightly with the Israeli people, and providing emergency humanitarian aid for Palestine.”

Wang will urge the US to act quickly to address China’s fears while he is there, in addition to sharing opinions on regional conflicts.

Chinese leaders have repeatedly expressed worries to their US rivals in recent months regarding the additional taxes, business restrictions, investment restrictions, import controls, and Xinjiang item restrictions that the US has recently imposed on China. Additionally, they have urged the US to halt its profits of weapons to Taiwan.

None of these expectations have yet been met by Washington. It updated its export regulations on October 17 to forbid Chinese companies from acquiring the most cutting-edge AI chips and sanctioned two Chinese artificial intelligence ( AI ) producers, Beijing Biren Technology and Moore Thread Intelligent Technology.

According to the Chinese banking department, the China-US Economic Working Group held its second meeting on Tuesday via video website. & nbsp,

According to the ministry, the two sides discussed the economic situation and policies, as well as intergovernmental economic relations and cooperation, in” in-depth, candid, and constructive” detail. China, according to the statement, had voiced its worries during the online meeting.

Study: After Huawei’s device progress, the US targets ASML.

At & nbsp, @ jeffpao3 is Jeff Pao’s Twitter account.