Vladimir Putin to meet Xi Jinping as Ukraine looms large – BBC News

During his two weeks in China, the Russian president has a packed plan.

His appointment with Xi on Thursday may mark the two nations ‘ 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations.

According to the Kremlin, they will explain their “overarching collaboration and proper participation” and the “most pressing international and regional issues”, and are expected to mark a dozen cooperative documents, including a joint declaration.

Some of these sessions will feature State Space Corporation Roscosmos producer common Yury Borisov and Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation producer Dmitry Shugaev.

Putin is also expected to meet with Xi’s amount two, Premier Li Qiang, after today.

Putin will go two China-Russia business conferences in Harbin, a metropolis known for its strong cultural and historical ties to Russia and for its snow festival, which attracts a lot of tourists.

He will also go to a monument to Russian soldiers who died during the city’s liberation in 1946 in Harbin.

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