Varawut touts dual ID-disability cards

Varawut Silpa-Archa, minister of social development and human security ( MSDHS), announced yesterday that he intends to combine ID and disability cards to help disabled people.

Additionally, he insisted that crippled inmates are covered by the illness allowance.

According to reports, Monthon Phetsang, a 48-year-old disabled man, rode his tricycle with his hands from Sukhothai, where he was raised, to Bangkok to claim his disability welfare benefit at the Comptroller General’s Department ( CGD ) there. Three weeks after starting the 400-kilometer journey, he is already pedaling through the state of Ayutthaya.

Since 2015, Monthon has been listed as impaired. The 800 baht monthly allowance, he claimed, has n’t been paid since 2020.

Officials in Sukhothai advised him to call the CGD to ensure his illness in order to have his quarterly allowance reinstated because he lost his identifying documents during a flood.

Monthon’s income was suspended by the CGD in October 2020 as a result of his removal from his house registration and placement in the northern registration, making him ineligible to engage in any kind of legal activity.

Monthon had reportedly been locked up a few times and might be difficult to reach, according to nearby sources. For the past two decades, nobody has been aware of his whereabouts.

Monthon’s novel ID cards and disability documents will be issued in Ayutthaya, and the disability allowance will begin to be paid to him starting next month, according to the CGD, which stated on Monday that many agencies had spoken with him.

Monthon stated that he does not want their help.

Minister of MSDHS Varawut stated that he had no notion why Monthon turned down the offer of help or what his strategy was.

The secretary stated that as of right now, we must register a new home in the Sri Satchanalai region of Sukhothais as he requested.

Monthon was not disqualified due to drug-related convictions, Mr. Varawut insisted, and the profit also applies to all disabled individuals.

In order to help handicapped people more effectively, Mr. Varawut suggested that the illness status should also be specified on the ID card.

Interior Minister Anutin Charnvirakul supported his plan and suggested that the MSDHS collaborate with the Department of Provincial Administration to bring the two together.