US expects continued close ties, human rights talks with India after elections

Additionally, the State Department stated that it would continue to raise issues with individual freedom. Social experts claim that the organization is restrained in open criticism because it believes India will serve as a counterweight to an interventionist China despite the occasional condemnation that Washington has received.

” When we have problems about human rights, as we have in India, we express those boldly. We instantly communicate them to the Indian government. The State Department added that it has done and will proceed to do so with other nations all over the world.

Under Modi, the authorities says it works for the good of all Indians, and that it denies discrimination against minorities and rebels.

Human rights activists challenge this. They point to a surge in anti-Muslim hate speech, the withdrawing of Kashmir’s particular position for the Muslim-majority, the demolishment of Muslim components in the name of ending illegal building, and India’s lower ranking in the World Press Freedom Index.