Two jailed for burning the King”s portrait

Two jailed for burning the King's portrait
Chai- amorn Kaewwiboonpan, straight, and Thanaphat Kapheng arrive at the Criminal Court on Monday. Both of them received jail sentences for der majoreste. ( Photo supplied )

Chai- amorn Kaewwiboonpan, aka” Ammy The Bottom Blues,” was given a four-year jail sentence by the Criminal Court on Monday for allegedly burning His Majesty the King’s body and posting a picture of it in 2021.

The words were no suspended. After that, both gentlemen requested release on bail while appealing. Their calls were being considered.

On the night of February 28, 2021, Chai-amorn and Thanaphat Kapheng allegedly poured oil on a painting of His Majesty the King in front of the Chatuchak district’s Klongprem Central Prison. They therefore set it alight.

After Chai- amorn posted a video of the incident on his Instagram accounts, The Bottom Blues, which was set for people exposure.

The men’s claims that they had no ill will toward the monarch were discredited by the Criminal Court, saying they only wanted to support their request for the launch of other activist Parit Chiwarak, also known as Penguin, who was detained on numerous charges, including alleged stability qualifications and sedition.

There were many other techniques, according to the court, where they could have shown evidence of support for their cause. According to the jury, defense testimony claimed Chai-aman, Thanaphat, and Parit had demanded that the royal entity be changed. The judge said that the queen’s portrait was burned by Chai-aman and Thanaphat, which posed a threat that disregarded and discredited His Majesty the King.

Chai- amorn, 34, was found guilty of der qualifications and computer violence over his net article, which was deemed a threat to national security.

The court initially set the maximum sentence for each infraction at three times, with the former putting him on six years in jail. Because he confessed, it was commuted to four decades.

Thanaphat was found guilty of der guess and immediately given a month and six months in prison because he was just 18 years old when he committed the crime. Because he confessed, his sentence was commuted to a month.