‘Too much hassle to deal with them’: Sterra customers angry but not seeking refunds after CCCS report

Clients Behave

CNA spoke with Sterra clients who said they would wait for the business to respond to inquiries or that they had no intention of requesting refunds. &nbsp,

One client, who bought a Sterra S water purification and a Sterra Breeze air purifier in a package deal for S$ 1, 948 ( US$ 1, 490 ) in mid-2022, did not know that the air purifier was manufactured in China rather of Singapore. &nbsp,

Given her past dealings with the company, Ms. Renee claimed asking for a payment from Sterra may be” too much problem.” &nbsp,

Her water purification started leaking after a year of usage, even though her air purification was still operational. &nbsp,

Despite two appointments from the handyman, the system also leaked. The machine simply dispensed lukewarm water after the business installed a fresh water filtration.

Sterra replaced the water purification, but the alternative equipment even leaked. &nbsp,

” I was silent. We were tired of dealing with this unlimited period, said Ms Renee, 35, and it had been roughly three to four months since the first problem occurred. That’s how long it took Sterra to answer between four event information.

” So at this point, we demanded a full refund, as we did n’t want to deal with Sterra anymore”.

The company subsequently asked her to give another S$ 1, 600 to “upgrade” to a fresh water purifier. &nbsp,

” We refused. After a lot of back and forth… they suddenly agreed to give us a whole refund”, said Ms Renee, who works in communications. &nbsp,

” All in all, the experience of dealing with Sterra was a dream”.

She has been delaying seeking a possible payment for the air purifier she’s also using despite the fact that it also malfunctioned again before as a result of the exchange.

” It’s too much of a hassle to deal with Sterra again”.

Mr Bryce Ang, who has been using a Sterra Y water purification since February, said he would not get a payment unless the device problems. &nbsp,

The 53-year-old visit guide continued,” I ran some pond laboratory tests on the Sterra filtered water, and the results were sufficient enough for me to take the water,” noting that the country of origin did not have an impact on the water quality. &nbsp,

Similar accounts to those of Ms. Renee’s were available from another user. &nbsp,

Ms. Fiona Tan claimed to have purchased a Sterra S water purification for S$ 1, 699 in December 2022, but that it eventually broke down. &nbsp,

The business informed her that the system could not be fixed, and they offered her a S$ 500 card to cover the cost of a new system, which would then be S$ 1, 299 out of pocket. &nbsp,

” I’m angry and disappointed because they did n’t even send a technician down to check”, said the 35-year-old senior account executive. &nbsp,

When questioned about whether she would proceed farther, Ms. Tan replied that she would wait to see if Sterra may respond first. &nbsp,