Things I would tell my younger self: Irene Ang, actress and Fly Entertainment founder

Irene has always been honest about her history. She has also been open about her past life as a party animal, not least because she came from a “broken home with a gang father and a medication abuser mother.” &nbsp,

She claimed that despite making numerous friends during her” Zouk time,” those friends did not endure.

You will start losing friends as you get older because you discover that your values and goals do n’t align. You’ll start to take up more and more of your day, and you’ll only want to concentrate on the things that subject, she said.

Then, Irene’s social group includes friends from her childhood, as well as those she made while working, including clients, editors and those working in public relationships. &nbsp,

And it seems like balancing her personal and professional lives has advantages. After all, she frequently experiences people attention. &nbsp,

She explained, adding that they are aware of how to ease her whenever she encounters any reaction.” Whatever you see, hear, or learn about yourself on social media becomes not as disconcerting because you have a support team who understands the advertising,” she said.

” On the reverse, if you do something wrong, they will be the ones also to text you,’ Eh you cannot say like that now, you will get cancelled’… then you ( can ) quickly go and edit your posts”, she quipped.