Things I would tell my younger self: Actress Tan Kheng Hua

She shares glimpses of the journey on her Instagram page where you’ll find pictures and videos of her doing manual work for the house, such as using a saw to cut firewood for the fireplace.

She said: “I feel very energised by the experience. I like learning about things in this way. I like doing things.”

And while the learning curve was steep, she never felt overwhelmed. The only thing that overwhelmed her, she admitted, was dealing with contractors and their tardiness.

“But other than that, the things I had to learn on my own, for example, water source and electricity, the fact that I had very little Wi-Fi – all that sort of stuff – I can learn, no problem.”

However, lest you start picturing her living a solitary existence, she clarified that while the cabin is certainly off-grid, her car was parked right next to it. “Luxe off-grid”, she described it, as the cabin was close to a small town centre with amenities and if she wanted civilisation and more Wi-Fi, she just needed to hop in her car and head to the cafe downtown.