Thailand elected to UN Human Rights Council

Saudi Arabia was the lone candidate in the 19 candidates for 18 tickets.

World leaders take part in the 79th annual UN General Assembly debate on Sept 28 this year. (Photo: Reuters)
World leaders take part in the 79th annual UN General Assembly discussion on September 28th this time. ( Photo: Reuters )

Thailand has successfully submitted a three-year pay to join the UN Human Rights Council as president, effective January 1, 2025.

The outcome of the vote was not unexpected despite the protests of reviewers who have highlighted shortcomings in Thailand’s human rights history.

On Wednesday, the UN General Assembly in New York cast 19 ballots to fill 18 jobs on the 47-member system. &nbsp,

Chairs are distributed based on regional clusters, and the majority of the nations ran unopposed. The instances were what the UN calls the” Asia-Pacific” — Thailand, Cyprus, Marshall Islands, Qatar, South Korea and Saudi Arabia— where six nations competed for five votes. &nbsp,

With 177 vote cast, Thailand won the UN member poll. Saudi Arabia, which has received 117 votes, came in last place and was therefore declared one of the worst freedom violators in the world.

Switzerland, South Korea and Ethiopia are among other innovative people of the Geneva-based right brain.

Members with colourful information on the matter it is supposed to assist with have a longer history at The Human Rights Council. Last year, China and Cuba were reelected for further three-year words. Russia and Venezuela just sat on the government.

Protesters in Thailand had been campaigning against the government’s choice. They cited Thailand’s record-setting country’s use of the lese-majeste legislation to silence political opposition, as well as the country’s weak record for deporting political refugees, primarily to provincial nations with less than Thailand’s human rights record.

Despite having a contentious account, the government has highlighted privileges violators in some nations. Following the disputed election in July, a fact-finding mission led by the organization discovered that Venezuela’s government had committed crimes against humanity against dissenters.

Authorities under the authority of the council have also focused on the worsening human rights situation in nations like Sudan and Haiti. Over the years, the government has also harshly criticized Israel’s remedy of Palestinians, leading to US complaints of bias against its allies.