Teachers in Government-supported pre-schools to get pay bump of up to 30% over next 2 years

Teachers in Government-supported pre-schools to get pay bump of up to 30% over next 2 years


Anchor operators have put in place structured development programmes to support the growth and development of their educators, ECDA said in the press release. 

Over the past few weeks, ECDA conducted a poll with centres and spoke to educators to better understand their experiences and perspectives, said Mr Masagos. 

“Some said that it was challenging to spend enough time with your loved ones as you had to work after hours or on weekends. Others expressed that you did not feel adequately recognised as a professional or for your efforts in nurturing our children,” he said. 

“Many of you also pointed out that you found yourself having to manage competing demands from children, parents, other colleagues and even ECDA.” 

In the coming months, ECDA will engage operators, teachers and parents to develop solutions to improve educators’ well-being and working conditions, said Mr Masagos. 

“Ideas include reviewing the requirement for centres to operate on Saturdays for better work-life balance and increasing non-contact time to allow for personal respite and professional reflection,” he added. 

“We will also explore growing a pool of relief staff to better enable you to take leave to attend to your family and personal needs.” 

The agency hopes to share the outcomes of these efforts by mid-2023, the minister said. 

Centres typically source for relief staff either through their own networks such as former employees or tap on manpower recruitment agencies, said an ECDA spokesperson. 

“Some centres have faced difficulty in recruiting relief staff, especially at short notice to cover educators who are on urgent leave or medical leave,” the spokesperson added. “The idea of a central relief staff pool aims to provide centres with a reliable and suitable source of relief staff.”

Some centres and educators have shared that the utilisation of centre services on Saturdays is low, the spokesperson said. 

ECDA has also developed a good practices guide for operators and pre-school leaders with tips on how to improve working conditions and “create a positive work culture”. 

The guide includes ideas to set aside non-contact time, leverage technology to improve productivity, and mentoring and professional development for educators. 

“To all our educators, we are committed to supporting you as you continue the good work in partnering with families and the community to nurture and support our children,” said Mr Masagos. 

“You are making a real difference in our children’s lives. We value you and we will continue to support you.”