Taiwan ally Guatemala mulls commercial ties with China, foreign minister says

Guatemala is considering establishing official trade relations with China, the country’s foreign minister told Reuters on Monday ( Feb 5 ), though it intends to keep its current ties with Taiwan.

As more nations support the second-largest economy in the world, China, which asserts politically ruled Taiwan as its place, the Central American nation is one of a select group of Taiwan’s remaining friends.

Foreign Minister Carlos Ramiro Martinez stated in an interview,” We are going to continue working with Taiwan at the levels we have been doing.” However, the president has emphasized that China’s influence and mass never be disregarded.

In the midst of a contentious transitional period, President Bernardo Arevalo took office in the middle of January, pledging to stop corruption and forge ties with China.

Martinez stated that he was interested in speaking with them in an effort to establish a trade-related connection. He claimed that this could serve as an “office of trade interests” that may assist in locating an American market for Guatemalan goods.

This is not an invasion against Taiwan or the United States, he continued, adding,” We are making it public.”