Sustainable Leaders series: Ayala’s path to an ESG driven business | FinanceAsia

With several ESG-backed initiatives in recent years, the Philippines-based conglomerate Ayala has solidified its commitment to sustainability. Operating across verticals including energy, finance, infrastructure, and real estate, Ayala has committed to net zero greenhouse emissions by 2050. The conglomerate’s energy wing ACEN recently created the world’s first energy transition mechanism (ETM) in November 2022, backed by BPI and RCBC.

On the social front, Ayala’s GCash app and BPI’s BanKo have  played pivotal roles in financial inclusion for unbanked Filipinos and small to medium size enterprises. BPI and Globe are currently reviewing their framework to consciously focus on these areas.

When it comes to governance, Ayala’s boards are working towards an appropriate level of diversity and independence. This involves maintaining high standards when it comes to transparency and disclosure.

The 190-year-old company’s social and sustainability initiatives have a long history. Albert de Larrazabal, CFO at Ayala Corporation said, “We have always aligned ourselves to national interest and had very high standards of governance and stewardship. As we must be mindful of the ecosystems we operate under, ESG in various forms has always been part of our value proposition.”

Ayala’s approach to ESG

Today, ESG-based financing is a priority for Ayala. Apart from ACEN’s implementation of the world’s first ETM, Ayala has issued a social bond with the IFC in support of its cancer hospital. Larrazabal said, “We are looking to do KPI-linked social and ESG financing, which incorporates targets into the commercial terms and conditions of the loan.”

Even during the M&A process, the conglomerate is mindful of integrating new acquisitions into its ESG framework. Ayala has also taken steps to ensure that ESG is a priority that is ingrained at the highest levels of the organisation, leveraging its membership with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). The conglomerate’s board has received training which ensures they can play an active role in tracking and monitoring developments in the ESG space.

Corporates making public commitments to sustainability draw a lot of attention, not all of it positive. Asked how Ayala approaches concerns about greenwashing, Larrazabal said, “Sometimes it happens inadvertently because of incorrect measurements. That’s why we brought in South Pole. We have taken steps to ensure we are on the right track by committing to independent verification, to give people a degree of reassurance.”

Building a model for the APAC region

While the need for sustainable leaders is strongly felt across APAC, many countries in the region have a minimal contribution to emissions — the Philippines emits half the global average on a per capita basis. Larrazabal said, “Between 80% to 88% of our emissions — depending on individual businesses — are scope 3.” These emissions are defined as the result of activities from assets not owned or controlled by a reporting organisation, but which are a part of its value chain. Larrazabal said, “Our scope 3 is somebody else’s scope 1 and scope 2. We need an environment that enables, incentivises, and if that fails, penalises those who disregard scope 1 and 2.”

Many emerging markets grapple with issues similar to those facing the Philippines — adopting renewable energy, while meeting the demands of a growing population and economy. As a result, ETM-like arrangements may be embraced to a greater extent. Asked for his advice on managing such a transaction, Eric Francia, president and CEO at ACEN said, “It is important for investors to reconsider their position on coal, so long as the principles are well understood. One may be investing in a coal plant, but for a good purpose, which is enabling its early retirement.”

Offering a financial perspective on the ETM, TG Limcaoco, president and CEO Bank of Philippine Islands added, “We provided lending and brought in other institutions. We took reduced rates of returns for equity and debt exposure, which allowed us to shorten the life of the plant by 10 to 15 years. It is a big win for everyone involved.”

For more on Ayala’s adoption of ESG and a deeper insight into the world’s first ever ETM, please watch the accompanying video.



¬ Haymarket Media Limited. All rights reserved.

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Asia’s ESG investors must ‘re-imagine role of capital’ | FinanceAsia

A version of this story was first published by sister title, AsianInvestor.

Infrastructure investors in Asia can promote a new, more ambitious role for capital in funding social and environmental development, according to Nikhil Chulani, investment director covering the industries, technology and services sectors at British International Investment.

“On the markets that we at BII focus on in Africa and South Asia, there are huge opportunities for growth and achieving greater scale,” he told an audience at the Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute conference in London in June.

“To accelerate progress in realising the potential of these opportunities, one key aspect is vision and ambition, and tapping into creative solutions via financial services sector to re-imagine the role of capital.” 

The UK development finance institution currently invests between $1.5 and $2 billion per year in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean.

He noted that, as ESG investing broadens from a focus on people to include the environment, the scope of allocations, and the range of problems they address, is widening. He said developing bottom-up strategies is more important than ever.

Being able to clearly identify and articulate which problems investors are aiming to address with their allocation is crucial, he added, emphasising the need to integrate impact and financial return within an investment model.

“Having an impact doesn’t exist separately from investing, it is a core part of investing,” Chulani said, adding that, while many investors still saw the ESG potential of their investment as distinct from its investment potential, attitudes were changing.

Size matters

Michael Anderson, who was director general between 2010 and 2013 of the UK’s Department for International Development, a government department that was responsible for more than $6 billion in annual aid programmes, said that a pressing question for enterprises and projects with a social or environmental dimension was achieving the scale necessary to unlock large investments.

“It’s not that we need to do more to attract major investors, but when they are attracted they need to have the deal flow to enable large ticket sizes,” he said.

“Big investors with multibillion dollar funds can’t go after small deals,” he added. “The key challenge is thinking at a bigger scale, especially in areas beyond infrastructure.”

“There has been some good investment in green infrastructure, but not enough in other areas,” he noted, pointing to social services, social infrastructure, and businesses designed to have a positive social impact.

Anderson, who is founder and CEO of MedAccess, a social enterprise improving access to medical innovations wholly owned by the British International Investment, gave the example of essential medicines. 

“The critical reason that these drugs are not getting into markets where they are needed is that the companies who manufacture them don’t find it commercially viable to sell into those markets,” he said. 

Investors were essential in providing the “catalytic finance” to de-risk distribution into less profitable markets, he added. 

Anderson gave the example of a recent TB drug project mediated by MedAccess, where the finance provided reduced the per dose cost from $40 to $15. MedAccess also facilitated increased production by the drug company and worked with companies to secure distribution. 

“Sometimes this means lower margins [for manufacturers],” he noted. 

Local opportunities

However, Ana Nacvalovaite, research fellow at the Centre for Mutual and Co-owned Business to Kellogg College, University of Oxford, speaking at the same session, said small-scale, local projects offered considerable opportunities for ESG investors, given their strong social and environmental credentials in many cases.

Such projects that are aimed at securing specific social or environmental outcomes often involve joint investment by development banks alongside sovereign and other institutional investors such as pension funds.

But those institutions best placed to provide such “blended finance” are not necessarily the biggest, Nacvalovaite observed, pointing to the example of funding for rural farm co-operatives in Rwanda.

“The [Government Pension Fund of Norway] has its hands tied, since approval is required by the ministry of finance. But Rwanda’s fund [the Agaciro Development Fund, launched in 2012] could trial this. It is the right size and Rwanda has lots of co-operatives, so they are looking at these blended finance opportunities,” she said.

Nacvalovaite said that while single project investments with a finite lifecycle might produce tangible environmental or social benefits during their lifetime, they also created challenges when they complete.

“The community that has been built up around it has to pack up and move on,” she said.

By contrast, financing co-operatives and employee-owned businesses provided longer lasting social outcomes. “We are talking about people creating their own infrastructures,” she said.


¬ Haymarket Media Limited. All rights reserved.

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Singapore launches mandatory climate reporting consultation | FinanceAsia

Earlier this month, Singapore’s Accounting and Corporate Authority (Acra), together with Singapore Exchange Regulation (SGX RegCo), instigated a public consultation on a proposed set of mandatory climate-related disclosures (CRDs). The two bodies partnered in June 2022 to form Singapore’s Sustainability Reporting Advisory Committee (Srac).

The public consultation runs from July 6 until September 30, during which the public can access related documents through a portal on Acra and RegCo’s websites and submit feedback via a designated form. The two bodies (Acra and SGX RegCo) plan to consider public feedback and finalise the recommendations by 2024.

If further amendments are proposed to listing rules around sustainability reporting, a separate consultation will launch before the end of the year, SGX RegCo added in a press release.

The mandatory CRDs will require issuers listed on the Singapore Exchange (SGX) to report their climate impact in line with the standards set by the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), starting from financial year 2025 (FY2025). 

Similar requirements for large non-listed companies with annual revenue of over $1 billion will be mandatory starting from FY2027, according to the recommendations. In doing so, Singapore becomes among one of the first markets in Asia to consult on CRDs that are set to affect large, non-listed companies. 

“To transition to a net zero economy, we need the critical mass to move the needle. With more companies adopting climate related disclosures, we are better able to drive actions and impact to meet our climate targets and make Singapore a better and more sustainable place for our future generations,” Esther An, chair of Srac told FinanceAsia.

New requirements

The new recommendations advance the city-state’s current reporting requirements, which were initially introduced in a phased manner in late 2021 to elevate Singapore’s role in Asia’s ESG arena and to uphold its position as a global business hub.

The market’s current CRDs require listed companies active in five prioritised carbon-intensive industries (finance; energy; transportation; materials and buildings; agriculture, food and forest products) to submit data related to their corporate climate impact.

However, the proposed amendments expand these requirements to all issuers listed on the SGX.

All SGX-listed corporates will be required to report their scope 1 and 2 emissions – those direct emissions that result directly from their activity or their production processes. 

Corporates will also be required to submit data around scope 3 emissions – the indirect pollutants that result from the full breadth of a company’s supply chain. However, because these involve more complex calculation, Srac is offering companies one to two years to prepare for these reporting requirements before having to submit exact data, the press release explained.

“Scope 3 emissions are typically the largest component of many companies’ greenhouse gas emissions,” An elaborated to FA.

“To facilitate companies in making the disclosure, the ISSB standards have provided relief. For example, the standards allow the use of estimates to prepare this disclosure when the information cannot be obtained without undue costs and efforts,” she explained.

External assurance on scope 1 and 2 emissions provided by Acra-registered audit firms will be expected from all listed firms starting FY2027, and from large non-listed companies starting FY2029, according to the recommendations. 


Commenting on the new disclosure requirements, Helge Muenkel, chief sustainability officer at DBS Bank told FA, “By starting with economically significant non-listed companies in Singapore, the goal is to eventually create a domino effect with better quality ESG data across the value chain, especially in relation to scope 3 emissions.”

As a Singapore-headquartered lender, DBS has been an active participant in Singapore’s sustainability effort. The bank announced in early July that it had upskilled over 1,600 institutional banking relationship managers and 170 credit risk managers to deepen their knowledge of sustainable financing practices, in order to better help corporate clients navigate the sustainability landscape.

Last September, market regulator, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and SGX collaborated to launch a platform, ESGenome, aimed at enhancing companies’ ESG reporting processes, FA reported.  The assistance provided by the capability includes processes for sustainable procurement across supply chains.

To further facilitate large non-listed companies that are new to climate reporting, Srac suggests that scope 3 emissions need only be disclosed in the third year of mandatory reporting, An added.

The Srac team confirmed that mandatory CRDs for large non-listed companies with revenue over $100 million is set to commence from FY2030, but this timeline will be further reviewed in 2027, depending on the outcome from implementation of the current recommendations. 

“With more countries pledging for net zero and the rising carbon cost globally, climate strategy and reporting can help companies, listed or non-listed, to mitigate and adapt to risks in the transition to a low carbon economy,” An said. 

Whether the requirements will expand to include other aspects of ESG-related reporting remains undecided. The recommendations begin with CRDs as a starting point, An said, emphasising the urgency to combat climate change.

¬ Haymarket Media Limited. All rights reserved.

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Exabytes encourages businesses to leverage cloud technology for IR4.0 sustainability

Aims to address sustainability, efficiency in digital era, focusing on digital transformation
Attendees got practical solutions for optimising supply chains & embracing ESG principles

Southeast Asia’s all-in-one cloud, digital, and e-commerce solutions provider, Exabytes Group, recently organised the Cloud-Powered Industry 4.0 Revolution conference with Amazon Web Service (AWS). The conference aimed to create awareness for businesses to…Continue Reading

Ayala’s path to an ESG driven business | FinanceAsia

With several ESG-backed initiatives in recent years, the Philippines-based conglomerate Ayala has solidified its commitment to sustainability. Operating across verticals including energy, finance, infrastructure, and real estate, Ayala has committed to net zero greenhouse emissions by 2050. The conglomerate’s energy wing ACEN recently created the world’s first energy transition mechanism (ETM) in November 2022, backed by BPI and RCBC.

On the social front, Ayala’s GCash app and BPI’s BanKo have  played pivotal roles in financial inclusion for unbanked Filipinos and small to medium size enterprises. BPI and Globe are currently reviewing their framework to consciously focus on these areas.

When it comes to governance, Ayala’s boards are working towards an appropriate level of diversity and independence. This involves maintaining high standards when it comes to transparency and disclosure.

The 190-year-old company’s social and sustainability initiatives have a long history. Albert de Larrazabal, CFO at Ayala Corporation said, “We have always aligned ourselves to national interest and had very high standards of governance and stewardship. As we must be mindful of the ecosystems we operate under, ESG in various forms has always been part of our value proposition.”

Ayala’s approach to ESG

Today, ESG-based financing is a priority for Ayala. Apart from ACEN’s implementation of the world’s first ETM, Ayala has issued a social bond with the IFC in support of its cancer hospital. Larrazabal said, “We are looking to do KPI-linked social and ESG financing, which incorporates targets into the commercial terms and conditions of the loan.”

Even during the M&A process, the conglomerate is mindful of integrating new acquisitions into its ESG framework. Ayala has also taken steps to ensure that ESG is a priority that is ingrained at the highest levels of the organisation, leveraging its membership with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). The conglomerate’s board has received training which ensures they can play an active role in tracking and monitoring developments in the ESG space.

Corporates making public commitments to sustainability draw a lot of attention, not all of it positive. Asked how Ayala approaches concerns about greenwashing, Larrazabal said, “Sometimes it happens inadvertently because of incorrect measurements. That’s why we brought in South Pole. We have taken steps to ensure we are on the right track by committing to independent verification, to give people a degree of reassurance.”

Building a model for the APAC region

While the need for sustainable leaders is strongly felt across APAC, many countries in the region have a minimal contribution to emissions — the Philippines emits half the global average on a per capita basis. Larrazabal said, “Between 80% to 88% of our emissions — depending on individual businesses — are scope 3.” These emissions are defined as the result of activities from assets not owned or controlled by a reporting organisation, but which are a part of its value chain. Larrazabal said, “Our scope 3 is somebody else’s scope 1 and scope 2. We need an environment that enables, incentivises, and if that fails, penalises those who disregard scope 1 and 2.”

Many emerging markets grapple with issues similar to those facing the Philippines — adopting renewable energy, while meeting the demands of a growing population and economy. As a result, ETM-like arrangements may be embraced to a greater extent. Asked for his advice on managing such a transaction, Eric Francia, president and CEO at ACEN said, “It is important for investors to reconsider their position on coal, so long as the principles are well understood. One may be investing in a coal plant, but for a good purpose, which is enabling its early retirement.”

Offering a financial perspective on the ETM, TG Limcaoco, president and CEO Bank of Philippine Islands added, “We provided lending and brought in other institutions. We took reduced rates of returns for equity and debt exposure, which allowed us to shorten the life of the plant by 10 to 15 years. It is a big win for everyone involved.”

For more on Ayala’s adoption of ESG and a deeper insight into the world’s first ever ETM, please watch the accompanying video.



¬ Haymarket Media Limited. All rights reserved.

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Dear HNWIs, your next vehicle should be fully electric

Doubts about range, batteries and environmental cost are greatly exaggerated
Cheapest EVs come with a range of 380km, while battery prices keep falling

Range anxiety, charging infrastructure, battery replacement – these are the biggest fears people have when considering an electric vehicle. Let’s also add environmental costs to this list – specifically the issue around…Continue Reading

AC Ventures’ ESG Head Lauren Blasco Recruited by ASEAN Business Advisory Council for Carbon Center of Excellence

Will serve a five-year term advising public and private stakeholders on voluntary carbon markets.
ASEAN Alliance on Scaling Carbon Markets to be launched, aims to scale up voluntary carbon markets across ASEAN

The ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC) Green & Sustainable Working Group has inducted AC Ventures’ Principal and Head of ESG Lauren…Continue Reading

SUSTAINABLE FINANCE POLL 2023: Asian debt markets sharpen ESG focus | FinanceAsia

It’s looking increasingly like the time for sustainable finance to shine. After a fall in the year-on-year volume of green, social and sustainability (GSS) instruments globally during 2022, a rebound is forecast this year – to around US$1 trillion in issuance, forecasts S&P Global.

Asia Pacific (APAC) is well-placed to capitalise on this upswing. S&P Global’s projections, for example, are that GSS issuance volume in the region will jump by as much as 20%, to reach US$240 billion, roughly a quarter of the global landscape.

The longer-term story looks promising, too, especially amid ambitious climate goals. Even in South-east Asia alone, about US$180 billion needs to be invested in clean energy projects every year until 2030 to keep the transition journey on track, based on the International Energy Agency’s Sustainable Development Scenario. Putting this in context, from 2016 to 2020, investment in clean energy was $30 billion per year, on average.

Adapting to climate change is certainly a key driver. But according to more than 100 investors and borrowers in APAC who took part in the 6th annual poll by ANZ and FinanceAsia in April and May 2023, multiple dynamics indicate an ever-bigger role for GSS instruments.

Among the key factors is a mix of policy and regulatory initiatives to foster greater transparency. This should, in turn, boost investor demand and issuer appetite. At the same time, as this segment of the region’s capital market continues to mature, active GSS bond investors and issuers can expect greater potential for newer formats of issuance to help bridge social and environmental priorities such as biodiversity and gender equality.

10 top takeaways from the survey

  1. 92% of all respondents have integrated GSS factors within their strategy, with 77% confirming that the market volatility over the past 12-18 months either hasn’t changed or has increased their focus on GSS.
  2. Nearly half (49%) of investors now have their own in-house ESG research and analysis capability, a notable increase from the 42% poll finding 12 months ago.
  3. 70% of investors have some type of experience with sustainable finance, with bonds much more popular than loans.
  4. While just under one-third of investors have exposure to transition finance instruments, another 45% are interested in investing in them, either in the next year or over the medium to long term.
  5. Although 92% of investors haven’t yet invested in Orange (gender equality) bonds, half of them say they would do so if they were more widely available.
  6. 88% of investors and 90% of borrowers believe further regulation of sustainability and sustainable finance would have a positive impact on the market overall.
  7. 49% of investors and 41% of issuers say a ‘greenium’ of at least 4 bps is typically priced-in to new GSS bond issues.
  8. Alignment with sustainability objectives, better access to capital and investor diversification are the top three drivers for issuers of GSS instruments.
  9. Time, availability of targets and set-up cost are the biggest hurdles to issuing GSS instruments.
  10. Only 19% of borrowers have never issued a GSS instrument – compared with 64% in last year’s poll.

Read more survey findings and analysis here


¬ Haymarket Media Limited. All rights reserved.

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SocGen announces new Asian leadership roles | FinanceAsia

Paris-headquartered Société Générale has announced via media note two newly created leadership appointments within its global banking and advisory businesses.

In addition to her role as head of Corporate Coverage for Southeast Asia, Singapore-based Eliza Ng becomes head of Global Banking and Advisory for the Southeast Asian region; meanwhile, Kanta Murata takes on responsibility for Japan as market leader of Global Banking and Advisory, alongside his current capacity as Japan head of Corporate Client Coverage and deputy branch manager of the bank’s Tokyo office.

Effective from the end of June, the appointments mark the bank’s continued commitment to strengthen its local capabilities to support clients in local markets, the release detailed.

In their new roles, the pair will supervise all global banking and advisory endeavours, excluding business related to the bank’s institutional and debt capital markets (DCM) efforts. They both report regionally to Stephanie Clement de Givry, head of Global Banking and Advisory for Asia Pacific; and to Olivier Vercaemer, her deputy.

Ng and Murata shared with FinanceAsia their priorities as they settle into their new functions.

“My priorities revolve around three main areas: customer-oriented approach; regulatory compliance and credit risk management; and growth, especially across ESG-related aspects,” said Murata.

He emphasised his work to enhance client experience through expertly structured finance arrangements to meet evolving market needs, while prioritising robust risk management practices to ensure the security and stability of the bank’s operations.

The ESG arena is another area where he targets expansion. “To stay competitive and relevant in a rapidly evolving ESG landscape, it is essential to embrace innovative approaches,” he explained.
Ng agreed that ESG is embedded in the bank’s business and is a focus for the regional teams.

“My immediate priority is to leverage the expertise and capabilities that our expanded franchise can offer our clients in the Southeast Asia region,” she said, adding that she looks forward to continuing to accompany clients on their energy transition aims.

This effort, she explained would complement and further support development across the region’s emerging economies.

Ng added that such regional sustainability efforts are bringing with them new business opportunities across several segments, “including the transportation value chain and new technologies in the renewable energy sector.” 

Murata also observes a trend towards decarbonisation across Japanese activity.

“According to the latest preliminary figures as of 1Q23, the Bank of Japan’s “Flow of Funds” [demonstrate that] the loan balance of private non-financial corporations has been steadily growing during past quarters; partly driven by economic recovery, capital expenditure, and ESG-related investment opportunities.”

He said that this growth opportunity is further supported by the Japanese government’s push for carbon neutrality by 2050, which will require more than JPY150 trillion ($1 trillion) in investment from public and private sectors over the next ten years.

In terms of landmark deals, both Ng and Murata have been involved in a number of the bank’s key transactions.

Murata pointed to his involvement in an accelerated bookbuild for a Japanese client that saw the bank organise a block trade so it could divest European stocks; meanwhile, Ng highlighted the bank’s role across Temasek Financial’s EUR 1.5 billion ($1.65 billion) four and ten-year dual tranche senior unsecured bonds, earlier this year. 

¬ Haymarket Media Limited. All rights reserved.

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