Budget: Tax relief for Indian middle class – but will it boost economy?

24 hours before
Archana Shukla

BBC News

Reporting fromMumbai
Getty Images India's Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman wearing an eggshell coloured saree with a golden border with black prints and a red blouse poses for a photograph with a red packet with India's emblem on it as she leaves the ministry of finance to present the annual budget at the parliament in New Delhi on February 1, 2025. Getty Images

After his party lost an overwhelming majority in parliament next year, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s partnership state has unveiled its first full-year resources.

Nirmala Sitharaman, the finance minister, announced measures to stop the middle school in Asia’s third-largest economy from stumbling along with slower growth, rising prices, and sagging usage.

India’s slowest monetary rise in four years is expected to be caused by stagnant wages and high food prices, which have impacted consumer spending and corporate profits.

Below are five important insights from India’s coalition resources:

Tax breaks for the thick school

In a big relief to millions of taxpayers, the government has raised income tax deduction limits, making earnings of up to 1.2m rupees ($ 13, 841, £11, 165 )- excluding special level salary like money gains- entirely duty free.

The finance minister has also made changes to various income tax thresholds, which are likely to result in more money being shifted to the middle category.

According to Nomura’s India Economist Aurodeep Nandi, the income taxes concessions to the end class” seem to be aimed at addressing the collapse in urban consumption.”

The effects, however, may be limited since a small portion of Indians pay direct taxes. In 2023, 1.6 % of Indians ( 22.4 million people ) actually paid income taxes, according to data presented in parliament.

The presentations were welcomed by the stock markets, which rallied in the form of rallied automobile, client, and online retailers.

Getty Images Indian construction workers work on a high-rise building. India's prime minister, Narendra Modi, presents the Union Budget 2025-26 in parliament in Hyderabad, India, on January 30, 2025.Getty Images

State-led system spending remains on record

Since 2020, India’s rise website has been fueled by state-funded capital expenses on significant roads, ports, and railway projects.

The government has modestly raised its infrastructure expenditure target for this year from 11.1 trillion to 11.2 trillion rupees ($ 129.18 billion, £104.21 billion ), despite an unexpected contraction in actual spending in the first nine months of this year.

To encourage states to spend more money on infrastructure development, the government has even suggested offering interest-free debts.

Increase for nuclear power, insurance

By 2047, the expenditure has set a goal of producing 100GW of atomic energy. As part of this plan, a Nuclear Energy Mission has been launched with a budget of 200bn rupees ($ 2.3bn, £1.86bn ). By 2033, the strategy is to build five indigenous reactors and make changes to laws like the Civic Responsibility for Nuclear Damage Act to achieve objectives and encourage greater private sector involvement in the sector.

In addition, the insurance sector’s foreign direct investment cap has been increased from 74 % to 100 %.

” This will help foreign carriers ‘ interest in investing in the growing Indian healthcare market, where we expect strong advanced growth to increase profitability”, said Mohammed Ali Londe, Senior researcher at Moody’s Ratings.

Small-scale companies and governmental reform in rely

A high-level commission has been appointed to implement regulatory measures in the non-financial areas and lessen the burden on corporations in order to relieve the environment in which to conduct business, which has been a major concern for investors. Within a month, the board will make suggestions.

Small and micro industries, that account for 35 % of India’s manufacturing and create millions of jobs, also got a boost through fiscal support of 1.5 trillion rupees ($ 17.31bn, £13.96bn ) over the next five years.

Additionally, the state has increased production-linked subsidies and reduced import taxes for local manufacturing companies in industries like electronics and textiles. This could encourage exclusive investments, which have not picked up article the Covid-19 crisis.

Getty Images A worker is operating lathes as he is making spare parts of agricultural machines at a manufacturing unit in Kolkata, India, on July 18, 2024. (Getty Images

balancing the algebra for finances

India has had to keep a delicate balance between pushing economic development and keeping its spending in check, despite significantly higher budget expenses for infrastructure development.

The budget has reiterated a commitment to reducing the government’s deficit, which is the gap between what it earns and spends, to 4.4 % by 2026 from 4.8 % this year.

Lower debt levels could lead to better investment ratings in the future and a drop in the country’s borrowing costs, according to global rating agencies, who closely monitor these figures.

India’s recent slowdown has made the growth versus fiscal prudence trade-off increasingly challenging.

According to a recent economic survey from the finance ministry, GDP growth is projected to slow down between 6.3 % and 6.8 % for the fiscal year ending in March 2026, in line with the Reserve Bank of India’s projections.

The central bank’s monetary policy meeting will now be the focus as soon as the budget is removed.

Since February 2023, the RBI has kept policy rates at 6 %, but it is likely to start lowering borrowing costs as growth and inflation have both started to decline.

The central bank made plans last week to inject$ 18 billion into the domestic banking system to avenge a cash shortage, which was widely thought to be a precursor to rate cuts.

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Trump, Putin and Xi as co-architects of brave new multipolar world – Asia Times

The Soviet Union’s decline and America’s current collapse have amazing connections. The Soviet Union was a failure because it marginalized the business community. Due to the ruling class’s marginalization of the working class, which has caused serious financial disparity and political polarization, the United States is faltering.

In his first name, Donald Trump resembled Boris Yeltsin, the destroyer of the ancient purchase. Trump may imitate Vladimir Putin’s playbook, a nationalist developer focused on home matters and rebuilding its business center, in his second term.

You Trump and Putin, along with China’s Xi Jinping, become the co-architects of a new multipolar world get?

Russia and the United States have more in popular than they would like to say. Both nations were born from revolutions against European empires and were founded on humanitarian political ideals ( freedom and social equality, respectively ), as American futurist Lawrence Taub noted in the 1980s. And both expanded by retaking control of the land by aboriginal peoples in the 19th century.

Additionally, both the US and Russia both have federated political systems and are generally European in origin. Although both have multiethnic populations, they are dominated by a single group ( WASPs in the US, Russians in Russia ) culturally, economically, and politically.

Cowboys and Russian

Alexis de Tocqueville and, more recently, Paul Dukes, in his book” The Emergence of the Super-Powers” ( 1970 ), also drew parallels between Russia and the United States.

According to Dukes, they had until recently held the view that it had a present life, a global goal, and that the other was the main impediment to its accomplishment. Also, they had the Cowboy/Cossack mystery and a connected inclination to see all political and religious issues in straightforward, black-and-white terms.

Both locations are powers with power attitudes. They are huge in size, close in people, and related in culture, temperate zone location and terrain. Both countries have substantial arms stockpiles and have decades of space exploration experience.

In the 1980s, Mikhail Gorbachev visited China under Deng Xiaoping. Deng successfully incorporated bourgeois concepts into the socialist system of China, promoting economic growth while preserving the Communist Party’s position of authority.

Gorbachev aimed for a similar transformation through perestroika ( economic restructuring ) and glasnost ( political openness ). He lacked the political will and administrative balance to carry out his vision, though.

His laws, in contrast to supervised reform, accelerated social fragmentation and economic decline, which led to the Soviet Union’s abolition in 1991.

In 1989, Mikhail Gorbachev and Deng Xiaoping pose with the Great Hall of the People. Image: Public Domain

The reforms that were carried out by Gorbachev opened the door for Yeltsin, a nationalist who capitalized on popular unpopularity with socialist rule. Alternatively of refining communism, Yeltsin dismantled it.

By scrapping Communist Party power, Yeltsin aimed to change Russia to a Western-style politics and marketplace economy. The end result was widespread corruption, common poverty, and the unregulated increase of elites, who consolidated their wealth at the expense of the Russian people.

It paved the way for a president who reimposed attempt and reclaimed Russia’s independence.

Putin’s fresh get

Clinton permitted the oligarchs to rule Russian scheme, but Vladimir Putin reined them and established state control. His method combined nationalism, financial control and, specifically, national independence, which had been under risk during the Yeltsin years.

Russia reaffirmed its position on the global stage under Putin, utilizing its military and energy resources to challenge European dominance. Although his autocratic strategies were contentious, he helped to restore Russia’s post-Soviet state’s standing as a powerful force.

Lenin speaks from atop a Russian tank in front of the pro-Trump protesters occupying Washington’s Capital on January 6, 2021, challenging the status quo. Image: Public Domain

In contrast to the Soviet Union, there is no such person as Gorbachev, a powerful leader who is valiant enough to press for structural reform.

In the midst of the 2008 financial crisis, Barack Obama had the chance to apply reform. But, rather than pushing architectural changes, Obama bailed out Wall Street. This choice exacerbated the economic inequality and fueled the nationalist uprising that precipitated Trump’s ascendancy.

Trump’s first president bore resemblance to Yeltsin’s career. Both officials disrupted the political creation, challenged entrenched leaders and thrived on nationalist rhetoric.

Trump’s second expression was marred by chaos, administrative collapse, and an emphasis on restoring the old order. His policies—such as trade war, deregulation and a target on nationalism—reflected a broader dismissal of the post-Cold War crony discussion.

Trump is now attempting to impose himself on the state machinery in his next term, much like Putin did in Russia.

Despite their similarities, but, Trump and Putin are different in their interactions with the super-rich. Putin, upon consolidating energy, curbed the effect of Russia’s elites, ensuring that the condition remained strong.

By comparison, Trump aligned himself with America’s wealthiest leaders, securing help from the super-rich who benefited from his tax laws and reform plan. The construction of the American political system—where corporate effect is greatly entrenched—makes a fundamental change doubtful.

Putin was able to organize energy in a way that Trump, constrained by British institutions and legal systems, may get difficult to replicate.

Toward a unipolar universe

A walk beyond superpower conflict and toward a unipolar world has become all but inevitable for many reasons, among them the conflict in Ukraine, the formation of BRICS, the US president’s unsustainable debt and China’s growing economic, scientific and political clout.

China is the world’s largest industrial producer and trading center. Red imports from China are more common than those from Germany or the US. Map created by&nbsp, reddit user creeper321448

When Trump and Putin solve the Ukrainian crisis, they will have an opportunity, in consultation with China, to go down in history as the co-architects of a multipolar world. The three countries could create a 21st-century-appropriate global order.

Capitalist and socialist ideologies, the two main political ideologies of the 20th century, are unique in China. The nation arguably lifted a billion people out of poverty by using 10, 20, and even 50-year plans, took the lead in most of the Industry 4.0 technologies that will shape the 21st century, and became the world’s indispensable industrial and trading nation.

With the Deng reforms of the 1970s, the Chinese rediscovered their 2, 500-year-old tradition of reconciling (yin-yang ) opposites, the basis of the Confucian Middle Way. Xi Jinping, the premier of China, will be able to serve as a mediator between Trump and Putin by presenting Confucian wisdom that has been updated for the twenty-first century.

Don’t be a capitalist or collectivist, be both

Don’t be a nationalist or globalist, be both

Don’t be a realist or idealist, be both.

Contrarian Chinese philosopher Chuang Tzu, who criticized the dangers of being firmly reliant on a fixed identity, belief, or worldview, could be quoted by Xi.

Without praises, without curses,

Now a dragon, now a snake, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp, &nbsp,

You transform with the times.

And never give in to being by one thing.

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Three reasons why gold’s record run is different – Asia Times

Gold opened in London January 31 at an all-time history of$ 2.845 an ounce. Platinum is a form of protection from political and financial disasters. More specifically, it has become a special insurance coverage against systemic risk, breaking apart from other resources it used to record – foreign assets and other metals, for instance, as well as inflation-linked Treasuries.

That may worry politicians in Washington.

Trump declared during his election plan,” I may end the war in Ukraine, I will stop the panic in the Middle East, and I will stop World War III from occurring,” adding,” You have no idea how near we are.” Trump vowed to put an end to the Ukraine War within a time of taking office, but peace is still not in view. The West didn’t accept Russia’s primary need for Ukrainian neutrality. Nevertheless, Russia continues to crush out regular gains.

What will the US would if Russia wins the military in a significant way over Ukraine? No single knows, and the price of end-of-the-world healthcare continues to rise.

Gold’s document work is distinctive in three ways.

First, gold stopped trading with other metals, including gold, copper and various professional metal. That partnership lasted from 2007 until the close of 2023. Gold has increased significantly over the past year, while another metal have not.

Next – as we have noted usually – gold traded in combination with the supply of inflation-protected US Treasuries, or TIPS. Both are types of protection against sudden inflation and serious dollar depreciation. However, after the US and its allies seize$ 300 billion of Russian foreign exchange reserves in March 2022, gold became decoupled from TIPS provides. A plan of insurance that the insurer may seize at will is less appealing than gold in a central bank vault.

Third: Different currencies used to indicate a wall against the dollar. The Japanese renminbi, an alternative to the penny, was almost tracked by the silver price. However, in 2022, this marriage ended. For one thing, Japan’s government debt is now 250 % of GDP ( twice the US figure of 120 % ), and the central bank owns more than half of that debt. Japan’s inflation has crept up, eroding consumer purchasing power and weakening the region’s political organizations. The japanese is no longer a haven for foreign currency investors. The Euro, which has the bag of fragile and depressed markets like France and Italy, is not.

The United States must sell more than a trillion dollars of assets to the rest of the world annually with a trade deficit of$ 1.2 trillion and a net international investment position of negative$ 25 trillion. Five years ago, foreign investors stopped purchasing US bill, and since then, the country has been selling tech companies to foreigners to help it balance its trade deficit. A stock market selloff may have negative effects on the US dollar.

During his confirmation hearings, Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent pointed out that the US federal deficit, which ranges between 6 % and 7 %, is unprecedented for a time without war or recession. As I wrote December 20 in Asia Times, the gap may be Trump’s rival. American businesses now have the ability to cover the majority of the US government’s gap since 2020 as a result of foreign central banks ‘ reductions in their investments of US Treasuries. However, to get interest-sensitive personal investors, it will require either lower interest rates to help banks purchases of Treasuries, which are expansionary, or higher yields on government loan.

Both the global financial picture and the geopolitical balance are becoming more dangerous. Gold’s cost run provides a disturbing measure of risk perceptions, and it has evolved into a unique hedge against both types of risk.

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Trump’s ball of confusion bedeviling global markets – Asia Times

Global traders are faced with a string each new month that they must play out in real time. As the Donald Trump 2.0 administration hits the ground running in 2025, punters will fight three.

They are: the direction of the US dollar, Xi Jinping’s ideas for the renminbi, and how business tensions may play out in the end.

Making matters worse, each relies in piece on three more imponderables: Trump’s propensity for&nbsp, plan chaos, how China might reply, and the ways in which Washington might react against Beijing’s retaliation— and vice versa.

” As we step into 2025, the global market stands at a perilous juncture, greatly shaped by an overall theme: uncertainty”, says Marcello Estevao, chief economist at the Institute of International&nbsp, Finance.

Estevao adds that “from political choices to plan implementations, the lack of quality emanates mostly from the new Trump presidency. This confusion extends far beyond the United States, permeating world markets, business relationships and regulatory systems”.

This year, Jerome Powell’s board successfully defied the leader, adding urgency to the first wildcard. Trump stated to the crowd in Davos earlier this month that he would “demand that interest rates drop soon.”

In the days before the Fed’s January 29 determination to remain touch, Trump let it be known that lower levels are a vital second-term goal. &nbsp, Team Powell&nbsp, ignored the jawboning, sparking an instant response. Trump even accused&nbsp, Powell’s team&nbsp, of letting diversity, equity and inclusion ( DEI ) considerations get in the way.

As Trump wrote on cultural media:” If the Fed had spent less time on DEI, female ideology,’ clean’ power and false climate change, inflation would never have been a problem”.

Trump complained that “because Jay Powell and the Fed failed to stop the difficulty they created with inflation, I will do it by unleashing American power output, slashing rules, rebalancing global trade and reigniting American manufacturing”.

Investors know better than to reject Trump’s babblings. In his first word from 2017 to 2021, Trump went after his hand-picked Fed chair early and often. Trump encouraged Powell to reverse the Fed’s tightening pattern and reduce costs in 2019. It worked.

Since then, Trump has made a place of slamming the Fed at every opportunity. On the campaign route last October, &nbsp, Trump&nbsp, mocked Powell’s Fed. ” I think it ‘s&nbsp, the&nbsp, greatest job in government”, Trump&nbsp, told&nbsp, Bloomberg. ” You show up to&nbsp, the&nbsp, department once a month and you say,’ this state flip a coin ‘ and everybody talks about you like you’re a heaven”.

Trump&nbsp, even argues that leaders should have a strong claim in financial decisions. ” The Federal Reserve is a very&nbsp, interesting&nbsp, thing and it’s kind of gotten it wrong a lot”, Trump told an audience next year.

He added that,” I feel&nbsp, the&nbsp, leader should have at least stayed that, yeah. I feel that clearly. I think that, in my situation, I made a lot of money. I was extremely prosperous. And I believe I have a better sense of instinct than those who would frequently serve as the president of the Federal Reserve.

Commandeering&nbsp, Fed policy&nbsp, choices may be a way to weaken the money. Trump and his officials make it clear that the Fed’s liberation is in jeopardy. The” Project&nbsp, 2025″ scheme that Republican operatives cooked up for Trump 2.0 includes curbing the Fed’s autonomy.

Some economists believe that a part of the reason for lower rates is because Trump is more easily finance his governmental programs. The$ 1.7 trillion tax cut that Trump signed in his first term and additional cuts that his Republican party is considering are among them.

With the federal loan now topping$ 36 trillion, Trump’s management will need to keep costs as low as possible. However, Trump and the Fed may soon have a strained relationship, which could lead to dollar-neutrality.

The yuan string may be quite&nbsp, Trump-dependent, also. The Xi government is currently restraining itself from stifling the renminbi for trade advantage. Investors have a unique view of China’s path, betting on a strongly lower exchange rate.

In recent months, the difference between 10-year royal Chinese bill provides and similar US securities reached an unprecedented&nbsp, 300&nbsp, basis&nbsp, points. Despite Team Xi’s storm of signal efforts, that’s despite. It suggests owners think&nbsp, China’s worst move of deflation&nbsp, since the late 1990s amid the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis is here to stay.

It suggests, also, that investors think a Taiwanese devaluation was soon rock world markets.

The People’s Bank of China has been keeping a lid on the renminbi for a variety of factors. One goal is to maintain Beijing’s current efforts to devalue the financial system. PBOC Governor&nbsp, Pan Gongsheng&nbsp, may fear that cutting costs does incentivize poor banking and saving decisions.

Another: Property developers could mistake as a result of a weaker yuan because they find it more difficult to pay off offshore debt. Global traders are now keeping an eye on China Vanke’s cash issues.

Putting&nbsp, renminbi internationalization&nbsp, in trouble is another issue. The Xi’s government has been working to improve the dollar’s use in industry and finance for almost a decade.

Beijing stepped up cooperation with the BRICS — Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa— and International South countries to tilt away from the dollar-centric world order.

Reverting to the old beggar-thy-neighbor guidelines may irritate foreign investors. And tarnished the dollar’s chances of securing reserve-currency position.

A weaker rmb could lead to the belief that Japan, South Korea, and other leading Asian nations have the right to ingrain them on trade prices. That could lead to a turbulent descent in money markets. The Trump White House, which is in danger of starting the biggest trade conflict in world past, do not ignore that.

The Trump issue feeds into string No 3: where trade hostilities might keep the&nbsp, world economy&nbsp, by the end of 2025.

This is unquestionably the least foreseeable policy outlook. Trump, after all, continues to change his mind about the direction of US tariffs. One day, they’re coming. The next day, Trump is stating that he hopes taxes on Chinese goods won’t be necessary.

” For the sake of business certainty and visibility, particularly for small businesses, figure out what you’re doing with tariffs as quickly as possible”, Peter Boockvar, chief investment officer at Bleakley Financial Group. ” Right now, it’s just a&nbsp, giant global cloud&nbsp, overhead that has businesses around the world on edge”.

The US economy, says Desmond Lachman, senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, “is not an economic island, and serious economic problems abroad could come back to harm our financial system, our export sector and adversely impact our companies ‘ earnings”.

According to US media reports, the billionaire brigade surrounding Trump’s second administration is lobbying Trump not to start a&nbsp, tariff arms race&nbsp, with Beijing. The impact of global growth, aside from being inflationary for the US, could devastate the bottom lines of businesses from Amazon to Apple to Tesla.

According to economist Paul Ashworth of Capital Economics, “any of these suggested tariffs would lead to a rebound in consumer price inflation this year, taking it even higher above target and making it more difficult for the Fed to resume loosening monetary policy.”

II F’s Estevao adds that” the complex interplay of these factors has already begun to reshape expectations for growth, inflation, and investment. The early days of the Trump administration’s second term have been marked by a flurry of executive orders and&nbsp, policy signals&nbsp, that underscore its intent to recalibrate US trade and immigration policies. The administration has indicated plans to target key industries, including European automobiles and Asian electronics, despite not having any new tariffs yet in place.

So far, Trump is keeping markets guessing on China tariffs. Though Canada and Mexico could be hit with&nbsp, 25 % levies&nbsp, on February 1, China appears to be getting a reprieve. Question is, can it last? Many policymakers, investors, and corporate CEOs are hopeful that Trump will prioritize a significant US-China trade agreement over tariffs.

According to ING Bank’s chief economist for China, Lynn Song believes that Trump’s trade war threats are merely” a bargaining chip” in achieving his China policy objectives, which include limiting the flow of fentanyl, agreeing to a deal for a TikTok sale, etc.

Team Trump also may realize that today’s China is markedly less reliant on the US economy than in 2017, when Trump’s first term began, notes economist Louis Gave at Gavekal Dragonomics. China, Gave argues, “is probably more productive than any economy has ever been”.

China’s innovative game, meanwhile, is on display with the sudden emergence of DeepSeek&nbsp, as an artificial intelligence game changer. Nvidia’s shares alone lost$ 600 billion, the biggest deluge of red ink in corporate history.

Investors are pondering how to invest in the remainder of 2025 as a result of the general stock plunge. Vivek Arya, an analyst at Bank of America, says many clients “view the recent selloff as an enhanced buy opportunity” for Nvidia shares.

Others sense that this” Sputnik moment” in AI speaks to China’s huge investments in semiconductors, electric vehicles, renewable energy, robotics, biotechnology, aviation, high-speed rail and other sectors finally gaining traction in ways the Trump 2.0 gang might not realize.

However, asset classes across asset classes will be in control of how this trifecta of risks develops this year. And how much of the dollar, yuan, and Trumpian assaults on the global trading system change.

Follow William Pesek on X at @WilliamPesek

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Empires go bankrupt suddenly, then gradually – Asia Times

Subscribe right away and get the first year for only$ 99. With a one-month trial for only$ 1, subscribe now&nbsp.

Does DeepSeek deep-six the US business?

Steve Hsu and David P. Goldman examine the potential financial impact of the most recent DeepSeek horror, which raised concerns about US tech companies being overvalued and its wider effects on financial industry and federal loan.

China pops America’s software balloon

Scott Foster analyzes the impact of China’s miracle DeepSeek R1 open-source AI design on the US tech industry, especially its destructive effect on AI valuations, business strategies, and Washington’s approach to business policy.

Migration, strength, and fiscal crises arranged to part Europe

Diego Faßnacht warns that Europe is approaching a bursting place due to three connected crises—migration, energy policy, and governmental governance—that threaten not only financial security but the very fabric of the European Union.

Ukraine’s choices shrinking quickly as Russia makes proper gains

According to James Davis, Russia’s influence over the functional initiative across the battlefield is quickly deteriorating, making it worse for Ukraine’s proper position. The start of a southern force is imminent, which would essentially reduce Ukraine off from the Black Sea.

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Thaksin dedicates himself to fixing the economy

Thaksin Shinawatra speaks to supporters in Chiang Rai province on Wednesday. (Photo: Pheu Thai Party)
On Wednesday, Thaksin Shinawatra addresses supporters in Chiang Rai state. ( Photo: Pheu Thai Party )

Thaksin Shinawatra, the former prime minister, pledged to dedicate himself to restoring the country’s economy, which he claims has been really mismanaged, over the next three decades.

In a speech to a group in Chiang Rai’s Phan city, Thaksin outlined the imbalance that the economy is experiencing. He assisted a Pheu Thai applicant in the Feb. 1 local election campaign for votes.

” The market has collapsed global. While people’s incomes vanish, commercial banks ‘ profits rise by 14 % against 3 % GDP growth, showing an economic imbalance caused by past mismanagement”, he said.

He claimed that the current state of the nation’s economy is much worse than it was during the 1997 Asian financial crisis, when the injury was only done to the highest levels of the market.

Thaksin said his daughter, Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra, has her arms full running the country, but he noted that he was providing aid behind the scenes to help the president’s attempts to revive the business.

He vowed that, in keeping with his promise to do so while serving as the nation’s prime minister, he would devote himself to resolving monetary issues and restoring prosperity over the course of the next three years.

Thailand, according to Thaksin, experienced rapid economic growth and a balanced budget for two straight years, compared to the current state, which has seen years of budget shortfalls and mounting debts.

The government plans to increase agricultural product exports to China, which just agreed to purchase 300, 000 kilograms of tapioca, he said, in an effort to revive the business.

He also pledged to look for ways to raise the prices of other crops, including corn and rubber, by admonishing that there are several ways to pursue raising crop prices, especially for rubber.

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Council eyes casino sizes in new bill

File photo
File image

In a recently proposed bill, the Council of State ( CoS ) has yet to decide what portion of an entertainment complex can be used to construct a casino.

According to CoS secretary-general Pakorn Nilprapunt, relevant organizations have spoken with federal agencies on four occasions in the past few months, but there haven’t been any conclusions drawn.

Deputy Finance Minister Julapun Amornvivat stated on Monday that his government had requested revisions to the act last week, allowing each of the proposed entertainment complexes to allocate about 10 % of their individual projects for casino construction.

” We have not yet reached ]an agreement on ] that level yet”, he said.

The secretary-general responded to a question about whether the CoS believed the percentage of the project’s space should be specified in the act to prevent any legal gaps, stating that the issue had been raised by Mr. Julapun during a meeting last week and was also being looked at.

Mr. Pakorn claimed that the Ministry of Interior had not provided any fresh ideas for the bill’s preparing.

However, Pichai Chunhavajira, the country’s finance minister, reported on Tuesday that the correction of the entertainment complex law had made some progress. The CoS is currently deliberating this matter.

He declined to comment on the casino’s situation.

Minister of Social Development and Human Security, Varawut Silpa-archa, reported to the CoS last week that the organization had received its opinions.

He said the game issue is a double-edged weapon. While amusement compounds can increase locals ‘ incomes and provide work for the older and the disabled, he noted, they may also lead to human trafficking.

Due to concerns about gaming addiction and family debts, the Palang Pracharath Party said it would vote against the bill.

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Size of casinos still being debated

As it evaluates the leisure complex costs for the government, the Council of State gathers comments.

The Council of State, the government’s lawful advisory system, has yet to finalise what percentage of an entertainment complex could be used to create a game, in a newly proposed costs.

According to Pakorn Nilprapunt, the council’s secretary-general, the government has spoken with government representatives on four times in recent months, but there hasn’t been a consensus on the costs.

Deputy Finance Minister Julapun Amornvivat reported on Monday that his government had requested that the bill be revised so that each of the proposed entertainment compounds could allocate about 10 % of their respective places for casinos.

” We have not yet reached ( an agreement on ) that level yet”, Mr Pakorn said.

According to Mr. Pakorn, the Ministry of Interior has not provided any fresh ideas regarding the bill’s preparing.

However, Pichai Chunhavajira, the council’s finance minister, reported on Tuesday that the correction of the leisure complex law had made some progress.

He declined to comment on the casino’s situation.

Thaksin Shinawatra, the de facto leader of the Pheu Thai Party and the prime minister’s father, is pushing the entertainment complex act very difficult. He has mentioned that creating a Las Vegas in Thailand would help to reshape the country’s business.

However, a recent poll of opinion revealed that 59 % of people were vehemently opposed to both gambling and entertainment structures. Another 70 % either disagreed relatively or disagreed firmly with legalising online gaming, another Thaksin initiative.

Varawut Silpa-archa, the chancellor of social development and human security, claimed last week that his organization had received feedback from the Council of State.

He said the game issue is a double-edged weapon. An leisure complex can raise wages for local occupants and the old, but it could also lead to human trafficking, according to Mr. Varawut.

The opposition’s Palang Pracharath Party, led by former assistant leading Prawit Wongsuwon, announced it would vote against the bill due to concerns about gambling addiction and family debt.

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DeepSeek’s shock in wider US vs China perspective – Asia Times

What this second says about the world’s two biggest markets is what makes the DeepSeek-driven property judgment most intriguing.

To supply with the clear, neither Donald Trump’s 2017-2021 trade conflict nor Joe Biden’s more precise limits these last four years halted Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s technology ambitions. Although there are a few speed bumps occasionally, Xi’s” Made in China 2025″ feast is undoubtedly its biggest public relations triumph.

The most positive headlines Xi’s market has had in a while came from the shockwaves that Foreign artificial intelligence company DeepSeek sent through international markets.

Its claim of a cost-effective AI type using less-advanced cards has America’s Nvidia and French huge ASML&nbsp, reeling. Additionally, it removed the burden of Silicon Valley executives who were warming up to US President Trump. Immediately, US tech supremacy is in question as often before.

DeepSeek’s appearance also managed to confine Trump’s great AI instant below the fold. On January 21, Trump stood with OpenAI’s Sam Altman, &nbsp, SoftBank’s Masayoshi Son and Oracle’s Larry Ellison to consider an AI triumph for America. The US$ 5 billion Stargate AI infrastructure project seems to be outdated and a probable huge boondoggle at this point.

However, it’s the financial lessons that stand out the most. In China, Xi’s victory may give the country an even stronger incentive to make more strides toward fostering confidence in the country’s economy. This is a stark warning for Trump that tariffs won’t revive US digital technology in ways that equalize the China danger; only daring policy choices you accomplish that.

New data revealed that China’s stock activity surprisingly decreased in January, ending three months of expansion at the same time DeepSeek was sputtering global markets.

China’s standard purchasing managers ‘ score slid to 49.1. The non-manufacturing PMI test, which includes companies and design, slowed to 50.2 from 52.2 in December. Industrial profits, meanwhile, are now down for three consecutive years, dropping 3.3 % in 2024 alone.

According to Zichuan Huang, an economist for China at Capital Economics,” the disheartening PMI data highlights the challenge that policymakers face in sustaining a sustained treatment in growth.” China is struggling as Trump considers taxes and intensifying challenges, Huang said, despite hints that were made in late 2024 that trigger attempts were taking off.

Many pre-existing conditions at home are bringing in new risks from abroad. China’s home crisis resulted in the longest negative run since the 1997-98 Asian problems. Poor family demand and&nbsp, near-record&nbsp, children poverty are slamming confidence.

” To even have a chance to boost prices and confidence”, says Hui Shan, chief China scholar at Goldman Sachs, Beijing has install” a big stimulus from the state” to generate a real “turning stage”.

Zhiwei Zhang, president of Pinpoint Asset Management, notes that “part of the decline may be expected to weaker outside requirement, as the new import orders score dropped to its lowest level since March last time.”

If Trump fulfills his threats to impose 60 % tariffs on all domestic goods, things could start to get worse. Trump’s implementation of trade restrictions has been much slower than anticipated by international investors.

According to analysts at Singapore-based UOB Global Economics &amp, Markets Research,” a lot of what Trump pledged to do was carried out on day one with the absence of concrete tariff measures are a significant relief.” ” There is, after all, another four years of Trump to go”.

These dangers only make Xi’s team’s task more pressing to stabilize China’s financial system. Immediate priorities include repairing a weak property sector fueling deflation, building more vibrant capital markets, reducing youth unemployment, addressing runaway local government debt, curbing the dominance of state-owned enterprises and increasing transparency.

Team Xi also must create a vibrant network of social&nbsp, safety&nbsp, nets&nbsp, to encourage consumption over saving. Last week, Xi’s government intensified efforts to support China’s volatile stock markets. That included encouraging mainland households to buy more shares and encouraging pensions and mutual funds to make more domestic stock investments.

According to Wu Qing, the head of the China Securities Regulatory Commission,” This means that at least several hundred billion yuan of long-term funds will be added to A-shares every year.”

Such steps are only necessary, though, because Team Xi has been too slow to address the economy’s pre-existing conditions. In financial circles, is it a hot button whether Beijing should use a yuan-sheen deflation strategy to boost growth? &nbsp,

The pros are obvious. Exports, which were a major factor in China’s 5 % growth in 2024, would be further boosted by a weaker exchange rate. In December alone, overseas shipments jumped 10.7 % year on year.

However, the disadvantages prevent Team Xi from choosing the less effective yuan route. For one thing, it might make it more difficult for highly indebted property developers to pay off offshore bonds. That would increase&nbsp, default&nbsp, risks &nbsp, in Asia’s biggest economy. Seeing# ChinaEvergrande or# ChinaVanke&nbsp, trending again is the last thing Xi’s Communist Party needs in 2025.

Another is that deleveraging efforts could be wasted due to the monetary easing required to lower the yuan. Beijing has made significant strides over the past few years in reducing China’s financial woes and raising the standard of its gross domestic product. As a result, Xi and Premier Li Qiang have been reluctant to let the People’s Bank of China ease more assertively, even as deflation deepens.

The yuan’s use in trade and finance might be Xi’s biggest reform accomplishment over the past dozen years. In 2016, China won a place for the yuan in the International Monetary Fund’s” special drawing rights” basket, joining the dollar, yen, euro and pound. Since then, the currency’s use in trade and finance has soared. Excessive easing now might damage trust in the yuan, slowing its progression to reserve-currency status.

It also might trigger a broader&nbsp, Asian currency war&nbsp, that’s in no one’s best interest. Tokyo might be all-in on a much weaker yen, entice South Korea into the fray.

Memories of 2015 are clearly entering into Beijing’s equation. A destabilizing capital flight that still lingers among party bigwigs was caused by China’s decision to devalue the yuan by nearly 3 % ten years ago. Over the next year, Xi’s team had to draw down Beijing’s foreign exchange reserves by&nbsp, US$ 1 trillion&nbsp, to restore calm.

However, Trump World should also take a wake-up call about its top economic policy initiatives this week. A massive trade war, like that one in Exhibit A, might have worked better in 1985, when a select few industrialized nations had more economic power.

This same stuck-in-1985&nbsp, problem&nbsp, helps explain why Japan’s efforts since 2012 to increase competitiveness and rekindle innovation came up short. The enterprise, led by former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, is largely about bringing back the trickle-down economics of the 1980s Ronald Reagan era.

Abe backed up his wager that monetary easing and currency depreciation would cause a rise in corporate profits and initiate a virtuous cycle. The intention was for boom stocks to spur CEOs on to fatten their paychecks, thereby boosting consumer spending and accelerating economic growth.

The plan for Japan was correct about the stock boom. The Nikkei 225 Stock Average reached its highest point last year thanks to aggressive Bank of Japan easing, a plunging yen, and some efforts to improve corporate governance.

Yet wages didn’t surge as hoped, ending the year on average or below the roughly 2.5 % inflation rate. Reaganomics is even less effective at raising living standards today than it was 40 years ago, according to all so-called Abenomics.

This is the way Trump 1.0 went, too. A$ 1.7 trillion tax cut, which primarily targeted the top 1 %, was the centerpiece of Trumponomics. More importantly, the maneuver made it more advantageous to reduce income inequality and put the national debt on track to reach the current$ 36 trillion level.

Now, Trump 2.0 is angling to make the$ 1&nbsp, trillion-plus tax cuts from his first term permanent while adding new ones to the books that will inevitably exacerbate Washington’s already serious debt woes.

The US net foreign investment position, or the difference between foreign assets owned by Americans and those owned abroad, is now nearly twice the size of the US gross domestic product. It’s negative$ 24&nbsp, trillion compared with negative$ 18&nbsp, trillion&nbsp, when Biden entered office in 2021.

A big dilemma now faces Trump: widen Washington’s investment imbalances or reduce its addiction to imports and capital inflows. For now, Trump’s new economic team is more interested in protecting the status quo than disruption.

Washington’s budget would be reliant on the savings of both Japanese and Chinese households as well as the world’s developing countries as more tax cuts are proposed. Trump’s tariffs and trade restrictions would increase US inflation and reduce domestic consumption.

Many economists believe that Trump should concentrate more on boosting domestic economic stoke. Biden, for all his policy missteps, paved the way for the US to compete with China more organically.

Biden’s 2022 CHIPS and Science Act, for example, deployed$ 300&nbsp, billion &nbsp, to strengthen domestic research and development. Biden took other steps to incentivize innovation, raise America’s semiconductor capabilities, improve infrastructure and increase productivity.

It was only a start, though. Despite his deregulation comments, Trump has not yet come up with a strategy to replace Biden’s tech upgrade policies.

As Trump prioritizes old-school tariffs, lower Federal Reserve interest rates and a weaker dollar, Xi’s China is engaged in a multi-trillion-dollar effort to lead the future of electric vehicles, semiconductors, renewable energy, robotics, biotechnology, aviation, high-speed rail and, of course, AI.

This last priority is now paying, and this has never before been a positive outcome for China. And serving as a wake-up call for both Xi’s party and Trump 2.0 that it’s time to raise their games.

Follow William Pesek on X at @WilliamPesek

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