Dyson did not break Singapore laws in layoffs but may have damaged its reputation, experts say

SINGAPORE: When Dyson conducted” shock” layoffs&nbsp, in Singapore last year, it received a reprimand from the coalition representing its employees about the one-day see it gave to tell the union of the downsizing.

Although the customer appliances company complied with the law, business analysts told CNA that the way the layoffs were conducted may have had an impact on its popularity.

According to Professor Lawrence Loh of the National University of Singapore ( NUS) Business School,” It is not just about the letter of the law, but also the spirit of being a good employer.” The company &nbsp, needs to upkeep its broader reputation” .&nbsp,

Because Dyson claimed in July that the Singapore company would not be directly affected by task cuts in Britain, people were probably caught off guard.

” What the company says at that point in time is appropriate, it had&nbsp, no programs”, Prof Loh said. ” But when ( the announcement ) comes — 24 hours, one email, one meeting — you’re out”.

With only one week notice, the federation had no time to engage the events for discussions&nbsp, or to find a better way to handle the cuts.

According to Prof Loh, Dyson should n’t have “skimped on this last mile,” especially considering that in 2022 the company moved its headquarters from the United Kingdom to Singapore.

The United Workers of Electronics & Electrical Industries ‘ notice period was negotiable, according to Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower ( MOM), because the retrenched employees were not unionized.

The technology industry’s representative, &nbsp, reported last week that the union’s representative was reportedly receiving a settlement offer of one month’s pay for each year they worked.

But, it claimed to be uncertain whether the package had a cap and that it had not been given more details about the affected employees ‘ identities from Dyson.

The firm claimed to have “respectfully informed” the coalition in progress and that it was adhering to MOM’s prevailing rules.

In Singapore, the magnification are not good for Dyson, Prof Loh said, noting that its “overall brand” — as a business with some buyer products for sale — may be affected.

For “business reasons that only the company can answer,” said Assistant Professor Jared Nai, who teaches organizational behavior and human resources at the Singapore Management University ( SMU), &nbsp.

These actions “do damage the morale of its existing employees and the status of the company with upcoming potential employees,” he continued, noting that the compensation is comparable to the recommended norm.

The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC), a top affiliate at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), stated that the organization wants to become informed by businesses before they retrench employees, not because it wants to interfere with a control choice, but because it wants to assist them in finding new jobs or offer support in different way.

Dr. Chew, who has written publications about collectivism and labor policy in Singapore, suggested that the Singapore National Employers Federation may also play a role because businesses may feel more connected to the union than NTUC and MOM.


The electronics workers ‘ union reported that Dyson’s case had been escalated to MOM, making Dyson the second foreign company to be subject to a ministry-related retrenchment investigation this year. &nbsp,

After the e-commerce firm retrenched its employees without notifying or consulting the union, the Food Drinks and Allied Workers Union escalated the situation to MOM in January.

But, experts said&nbsp, it is not that unusual companies do not understand or had trouble&nbsp, going along with the nature of tripartism in Singapore— where unions, employers and the federal labor up.

” I do n’t think it’s a systemic problem, as of now”, Prof Loh said. ” It’s circumstance by situation”.

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Iswaran housed in single-man cell due to ‘higher safety and security risk’: Singapore Prison Service

S. Iswaran, the former transport minister, was placed in a single-man cell on Monday ( October 7 ), according to the Singapore Prison Service ( SPS) announcement.  

This body is about 6. In response to inquiries from CNA, SPS said on Monday night that he had received a straw bed and two blankets for him to sleep. He had 9 square meters of toilet area.  

According to SPS, all prisoners in its care are treated the same way and subject to the same jail regulations and procedures.

“S Iswaran received safety, safety and health assessment, as per various inmates. We have placed S Iswaran in a single-man body because we determined that his safety and security are at risk when he is paired with other prisoners. ”

The 62-year-old, who turned himself in before the 4pm date, began his 12-month prison sentence on Monday.

After his appearance, Iswaran received safety, security and health evaluation as per another inmates, said SPS.  

“Upon attendance, all individuals have their private possessions collected and documented for storage. When they are released, the products will be returned to them. They are searched for illicit. After which, they are examined by a Prison Medical Officer, ” said SPS.  

“All individuals are provided with the basic essentials for normal living – toothbrush, toothpaste, clothes, slippers, towel, and foam knife for meals. ”

SPS said there are different types of cells that can property either one criminal, up to four individuals, or up to eight individuals.  

In the body, all jail cells have restrooms. As bedding, a straw bed and two pillows are provided for individuals. After the Prison Medical Officer’s analysis, individuals with serious health problems or medical needs may be housed in an Assisted Living Correctional Unit or a Medical Ward for health monitoring.  

According to our evaluation of their safety and security danger, as well as health needs, prisoners are housed in various types of cells, according to the statement.  

SPS also said that individuals are encouraged to stay in contact with their family associates and loved ones via face-to-face trips, tele-visits, or e-letters.  

“Like all other inmates, S Iswaran can have up to two sessions ( of which one may be a face-to-face visit ), and write up to four e-letters, per month. ”

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Former transport minister S Iswaran arrives at the State Courts to surrender and begin jail term

Iswaran said in his speech that it was essential to him that the public prosecutor changed the charges against him under Section 165 of the Penal Code to those against him in exchange for accepting donations from public servants.

” I understand that what I did as a secretary was improper under Part 165. &nbsp, I accept total responsibility for my actions and repent freely to all Singaporeans”, he wrote.

” My mom’s well-being and the emotional strain my loved ones are taking willfully on me as a long test that will continue well into 2025 and perhaps beyond has even weighed heavily on me.” The previous 15 decades have already been most challenging. With this choice, I hope that we can move ahead and start rebuilding our life together, put the suffering and suffering behind us, and move forward.

He even thanked his relatives, friends, community leaders, lawyers and followers.

Iswaran concluded by saying,” The greatest honor of my life has been serving my constituents and Singaporeans for the past three years.” My home and I look to the future with love and renewed hope as this chapter of my life comes to a close.

According to lawyers, an offender has a 14-day glass to charm from the date of his or her sentence, and they can do so while they are imprisoned.

After the trial changed his two corruption charges to those under Section 165 of the Penal Code, Iswaran had entered a guilty plea on the first day of the trial for obtaining belongings from people infiltrating his official power.

He admitted to four works under Section 165 for obtaining property from Singapore GP lot investor Ong Beng Seng and building director Lum Kok Seng, as well as one count of obstructing justice by lately paying the cost of a trip.

Another 30 expenses under Part 165 were taken into consideration.

Across all charges, Iswaran admitted to obtaining S$ 403, 300 price of goods over seven decades, including tickets to musicals, Formula 1 activities and sports games, as well as alcohol and a Brompton bicycle endowed to him for his 60th birthday.

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Mental health professionals in Malaysia tap AI to assist in diagnosing, treating conditions


Experts argued that the systems cannot substitute for the subtle understanding of human professionals, despite the fact that tools like AI can provide mental health assistance.
Citing various considerations, Dr Prem said:” I think that culture specificity ( has not been ) learnt yet. Whether it’s medication, psychology, or any kind of medical function, we need to be culturally sensitive to particular needs of different people”.
In terms of how powerful AI and ai can be for our personal personal care, Dr. Maria Hennessy, associate professor of clinical psychiatry at James Cook University, said:” As of right now, they are perhaps more a fantasy than a reality.
She told CNA’s Asia First that the tech is progressing, and there is still a long way to go. &nbsp,
” At best, they can give basic information and communication, but they do n’t yet have that capacity to give you that empathy and that sense of rapport that you look for in a good mental health clinician”, she added. &nbsp,
And it’s really about 50 % of the success of what we do that empathy and rapport are.
The use of engineering is a step forward in encouraging strategic mental health control, according to observers, even though more work needs to be done to implement AI in intellectual medical procedures, particularly in regards to data protection and morals. &nbsp,
They are there to provide people with basic, simple information that they otherwise might not be able to locate. But they certainly do n’t replace talking to a clinician”, said Dr Hennessy.
” They’ve got a lot of potential, but we are nowhere near them yet”.

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Reunited Taiwanese band Energy won’t rely on nostalgia for comeback, promises ‘different’ style


I wondered if there was one track they realised they enjoyed much more when they performed it for an audience because returning to the stage was similar to a reunion for them.

” Every music, to be honest”, stated Toro and the remainder echoed his mood. ” That’s the beauty of performing live”.

However, Edy thinks Reunite, the fourth track from their most recent EP, is a special song that best embodies who Energy is right now. The romantic song, which captures the singer’s thoughts over the years they were off, stands out in Energy’s usually cheerful album.

” Personally, when we were recording the song in the studio, I did n’t feel much when singing it. I did n’t know what state of mind or feeling to put myself in for the song”, he admitted.

” But when we finally gave it to an audience in a music, it actually moved me to hear our fans singing along with us. When I realized the song’s deeper significance was lost in that moment.

Edy also teared up “out of the violet” while they were filming the music video for Reunite, recalled Kunda. ” I think he did n’t even know why he felt that surge of emotion. Perhaps it was because the reality of our reunion ( after more than 20 years ) had n’t quite sunk in – but in that moment, the significance dawned on him”.

Edy was moved even more by the band’s return to a site where the same five crew members had shot footage from 20 years ago.

” And as I was looking at the rest of them, some feelings and thoughts only appeared.” ( The moment ) really moved me, I started crying uncontrollably”, he added.

After our meeting, I listened to Reunite and even before the track ended, I bestowed upon it the highest reward known to the ordinary Mandarin-speaking Singaporean: It’s the perfect KTV music.

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Cheaper energy and water, abundant land make Johor a magnet for data centre operators


In Johor, over a few data center infrastructure are already operational.
Princeton Digital Group, based in Singapore, is one of the main international people in the data center industry. The second phase of its 130 megawatt-data heart in Asia was up and running within a year.
According to Princeton Digital Group’s controlling chairman and chief technology officer Asher Ling, a surge in e-commerce and AI-related routines contributed to the increase. &nbsp,
Johor’s closeness to Singapore and the Indonesian government’s business-friendly plans are also main draws, he told CNA. &nbsp,
” The support we received from the Malay authorities, both at the national level and at the state level, was phenomenal”, said Mr Ling. &nbsp,
” If people were really bureaucratic, this would never have been possible.”
The organization has two 130 watt stations on backup, he noted. There are generating positioned in the event that the whole Johor energy grid shuts down, with 48 hours of fuel fuel under it, to keep data center businesses running. &nbsp,
Companies have found it difficult to secure a pipeline of expert engineers because data centers are fairly new in Johor. First, some technicians were brought in from Singapore to support the local team. &nbsp,

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Malaysia aims to be global powerhouse in highly competitive integrated circuit design sector


Another advantage exists for Malay businesses as a result of ongoing trade tensions between the US and China.

With the classification of the silicon market, buyers are “more open” to another solutions from “more natural countries” like Malaysia, said Mr Fong Swee Kiang, founder and CEO of Malaysian start-up Skyechip.

The business was established four years ago and specializes in offering Internet and Circuit options for AI.

It now has 300 developers and more than 30 trademarks, and is slated for possible identifying on Bursa Malaysia – the region’s property trade – next time.

” In the past, let’s say for silicon IP, it ( was ) dominated by companies like Psygnosis, Cadence, Rambus and so on”, Mr Fong pointed out.

That scenario has from changed.

” I think that earned us the screen to present our Internet solutions”, he added.

All this is tunes to the lips of Malaysia’s Economy Minister Rafizi Ramli, who wants to encourage more nearby technology leaders.

” Finally, IC design firms want to be listed.” The closeness to Klang Valley… is critical. Additionally, the ability pipeline is close by. Most of the region’s leading education organizations are in Klang Valley”, he told CNA.

” I’m hoping that the next five-year plan ( is ) where people go directly to the industry, they get certified. Finally, they can get all the way to a level and that, in a way, de-bottleneck the whole method”, he added.

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Women in Singapore are getting breast cancer at a younger age but it’s only diagnosed when it’s more advanced

It is not uncommon to see breast cancer patients in their 30s or even in their 20s with large lumps these days, according to Dr. Anthony Tang, a specialized breast tumor surgeon.

He just gave a girl in her 30s a 5 cm lump that she had left unchecked for about two years. By the time she spoke with him, he told CNA Women, the tumor had reached Stage 2 or nearly Level 3.

Breast cancer that develops quick, occurring in people under the age of 45, is on the rise, according to Dr. Tang, medical chairman of The Breast Clinic.

Young women who experience a little lump in the breast may reject it quite frequently because of the perception that it is nearly impossible for younger people to find breast cancer, Dr. Tang said.

This is why, according to Dr. Tang, first beginning breast cancer is frequently found at a somewhat later period, typically in Stage 2 or 3.


A specialized breast cancer doctors for over 20 years, Dr Tang said that in the past, most of his people were post-menopausal, in their late thirties or forties.

One in six people diagnosed with breast cancer are under the age of 45 now. Simply 22 years old was the youngest person Dr. Tang treated.

First starting breast cancer is often more intense, generally presenting as triple-negative breast tumor or HER2-positive breast cancers, Dr Tang noted.

Ethnic changes contribute to these figures, he said.

” Having kids before the age of 35, feeding, and having more children may reduce the risk of breast cancer”, he explained. Nevertheless, more Singapore people are having fewer babies, giving delivery at a later time, and opting not to drink.

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Logistical nightmare, fiscal challenges – and Indonesia’s stunted children – await President-elect Prabowo’s landmark free meal initiative

Java, where the current investment Jakarta is located, is home to three of the biggest shipping docks in the country. Cities on the island are also connected by 1, 776 miles of toll roads, which accounts for 61 % of the entire length of the country’s toll roads.

In contrast, almost half of the 3, 446 miles of roads in the five Papua regions are not even built. Some locations are only accessible by air or by feet. &nbsp,

However, most of the items flowing to East Nusa Tenggara, a chain of islands which edges the Indian Ocean, rely on boats from Java’s Surabaya area which arrive around once a week.

Logistics will be the complimentary dinner programme’s biggest problem, some observers have noted. &nbsp,

In an editorial from August 21 MetroTV, news outlet MetroTV wrote that students and teachers in the far corners of this land sometimes have to risk their lives to find themselves educated.” Never mind using a boat to dangle on a gate that is on the verge of collapsing to go to school,”

The Center of Reform on Economics think tank’s Mdm Eliza Mardian echoed the mood, highlighting how some participants reside in rural areas with limited access to transportation. &nbsp,

Because of the great transportation costs, she warned that East Nusa Tenggara’s overall budget will balloon due to the demand for commodities like rice and beans from Java’s production centers.

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