Stray dogs at Bidadari Park to be ‘humanely’ captured after feedback about territorial behaviour: NParks

SINGAPORE: The National Parks Board ( NPark ) on Tuesday ( Feb 11 ) said it is working towards “humanely” capturing a few stray dogs at Bidadari Park, following feedback that the animals have displayed “territorial behaviour” towards visitors in the area. &nbsp,

In subsequent weeks, there has been more concern about the death of four cats at the playground, with some calling for their isolation. The four- named Kalu, White Chest, Pointy and Puffy- are cumulatively known as the Bidadari Puppies. &nbsp,

In response to CNA’s inquiries, the organization said on Tuesday ( Feb 11 ) that it was conducting surveillance and working toward the humane capture of the dogs.

The area has a paint stockpiling that acts as a “visual barrier,” reducing dog-dog interactions with visitors like barking. &nbsp,

Additionally, indications were up to give guests advice on how to handle dog encounters.

NParks claimed that the hoarding prevents the people from entering off-trail places, and that the dogs are free to roam around the hoarded-up areas. &nbsp,

Many Instagram comments made by the user @the. pup. Previous to this, Mommy had claimed that the area was” sealed up” by NParks, leaving the dogs with” no way out .”