Singapore’s William Goh among 20 new cardinals inducted by the Pope in Rome

The other new cardinals come from Britain, South Korea, Spain, France, Nigeria, Brazil, India, america, East Timor, Italy, Ghana, Paraguay plus Colombia.

Pope Francis, who chose men who  mostly agree with his vision of a more progressive and comprehensive Church,   told the new cardinals to demonstrate concern for everyone else despite the high position that will bring them directly into contact with the effective of the earth.

“A Cardinal loves the Church, constantly with that same religious fire, whether coping with great questions or even handling everyday troubles, with the powerful of this world or all those ordinary people who are excellent in God’s eyes, ” the Pope said.

Seated before the main church of St Peter’s Basilica, Francis asked them to remember “poor families, migrant plus homeless persons”.

He read their homily in a solid voice, often heading off script, also to joke about a Rome priest who had been so close to their parishioners that he knew not only all their names, but also the names of their dogs.

Francis, elected as Pope in 2013, has now chosen 83 from the 132 cardinal electors, or about 63 per cent.

With each consistory, Francis has continued exactly what one diplomat has called a “tilt towards Asia”, improving the likelihood that the next Pope could be through the region that is an expanding economic and political powerhouse.

With all the latest August 2022 consistory, Asia may have 21 cardinals.

The 85-year-old pontiff told Reuters within an interview last month that if he really does resign in the future meant for health reasons : instead of dying in office – he’s no plans to do so anytime soon. This means he could name even more cardinals as soon as next year.