Singapore’s key exports jump 15.7% in July, reversing previous month’s slide

SINGAPORE: Singapore’s non-oil domestic exports ( NODX ) rose by 15.7 per cent in July, reversing the revised 8.8 per cent contraction in June.

Both electronics and non-electronics grew, according to data released by Enterprise Singapore ( EnterpriseSG) on Friday ( Aug 16 ).

The growth is the first since January, when NODX rose by 16.7 per share.

On a year-on-year basis, digital goods export expanded by 16.5 per share in July, reversing the 9.5 per cent reduction in the previous quarter.

The growth in electronic NODX was most pronounced with the exception of disk media products, which were also used for computer peripherals, and integrated circuits, which increased by 113.2 % and the latter by 13.5 %, respectively.

EnterpriseSG did not provide an actual year-over-year growth rate for other computer devices, citing” a small center result from the same period last year” as the reason for not doing so.

Non-electronic materials expanded by 15.5 per share last month on a year-on-year schedule, following the 8.6 per share recession in June.

Non-monetary metal, petroleum and specialised technology contributed the most to the climb, expanding by 260.3 per share, 28.1 per share and 8 per cent both.

NODX to the major markets as a whole grew in July, although NODX to the European Union, Japan, Hong Kong and South Korea declined, said EnterpriseSG.

The largest contributors to the increase in NODX were the United States, Malaysia and China, with export to these areas expanding by 28.9 per share, 49.1 per share and 21.1 per share both.

On a year-on-year basis, complete business expanded by 13.7 per share in July, following the rise of 1.2 per share seen in June.

Both exports and imports rose, by 13.4 per share and 14 per cent both.