Singapore’s first female commander of an RSAF fighter squadron hopes women pilots will soon become commonplace

There is something about having a pilot in your midst that makes you sit up straight. It’s the universal attract of flying. It’s also Top Weapon, Pearl Harbor and Independence Day.  

So when you get to talk to the person who commands the jet fighter jet squadron accountable for the collective oohs and aahs in the National Day Parade, it’s a red-letter day.  

This year, for the first time, the particular commander of the F-16 squadron is a female.  

Upon Aug 9, Mature Lieutenant-Colonel Lee Mei Yi will direct the “Salute towards the Nation” bomb rush at the Marina These types of floating platform. Everyone will see them – in person and on the small screen. Among them: Women.  

Lee understands the significance to be the first woman to take on her role.  

Despite gender not being an element when it comes to becoming a fighter pilot, women applicants remain few and far between.  

“By writing my story, I hope to help other females see that this is a feasible path to aspire to, (that they can have a place) in the military or some other traditionally male-dominated industry, ” the 37-year-old told CNA Women.  


Growing up, Lee’s parents would describe her as “stubborn and hot-tempered” yet she thought of herself more as “headstrong”.  

“I liked challenges. I liked doing items that were different . I always knew I needed to study overseas due to the fact I wanted to see outside of Singapore and expand my perspectives, ” she said.  

At the same time, Lee was drawn to the thought of giving back to the nation, having had what the girl described as a “stable” family life.  

It assisted that she had been surrounded by part models.