Singapore parliament takes mid-term break, to reconvene on Apr 10

SINGAPORE: Singapore’s parliament will take a mid-term break from Friday (Mar 24) and reconvene on Apr 10.

This break, known as a prorogue, marks the mid-point of the government’s term. Singapore’s 14th parliament opened on Aug 24, 2020, after the 2020 General Election.

Parliament will restart on Apr 10 with the President’s Address, which will be delivered by Madam Halimah Yacob at 8.30pm.

In her address, the President will announce the priorities, policies and programmes of the government for the remainder of the current term of office.

The House will then debate these policies and programmes in its debate on the Motion of Thanks for the President’s Address.

This will be President Halimah’s last opening address to parliament for the current term of her presidency, as a presidential election is due by September 2023.

This is the 13th time parliament has been prorogued since Singapore’s independence.