Singapore must pursue national interests in consistent, principled manner: DPM Lawrence Wong

SINGAPORE: Singapore is entering uncharted territory as it enters the next phase of its growth, said Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong.

Singapore’s next prime minister said that while the unstable geopolitical environment presents some difficulties, there are also positive aspects that the country can draw on, including its reputation as a reliable partner in the East Asian region.

Before his May 15 swearing-in, Mr. Wong, who is also the finance minister, addressed the native press and explained his political background and how he had been getting ready to take over as prime minister.

The fourth-generation command leader of Singapore said that the nation must carry on a principled and consistent strategy in order to withstand these strains.

He even emphasised that Singapore’s method to US- China conflicts is not to find a balance between the two nations, but to first and foremost been guided by Singapore’s personal national interests.


Singapore is moving forward with its future growth project “at a significantly higher level” than it was before, according to Mr. Wong.

” We are now much stronger than ever before.” Our business is already at a high level of development.

” And if you look at any place of society, housing, healthcare, education, transport, and you find indicators to forecast, we likely rank very high in each one of these.”

In the Programme for International Student Assessment 2022, an international measuring study to assess how well kids use their knowledge and abilities to solve problems in the real world, Singapore’s 15-year-olds were ranked top in the world for math, science, and studying.