Singapore influencer Melissa Koh’s son, born with a heart condition, has died

Singaporean influencer, Melissa Koh, announced on Apr 7 that her son, Asher Matthias Chen, had died. She posted an Instagram story on that day with details of the wake. Asher was one year and nine months old. 

His wake was held from Apr 5 to 10 at Church of St Mary of The Angels.

Shortly after he was born on Jun 17, 2021, Asher was diagnosed with a heart condition and had to undergo open-heart surgery. A month later, he had to undergo another surgery to fix his low oxygen levels. 

Koh and her husband, James Chen, often posted updates about Asher’s progress on social media. 

Koh first hinted that Asher was not doing well on Mar 30 when she posted on Instagram, saying: “We’re not ready to lose you, baby Asher.”

On Apr 6, she posted a picture of her on the beach carrying Asher in her arms, along with a white heart emoji in the caption.

In a series of Instagram stories on Apr 10, Koh shared a brief look at Asher’s funeral which featured multiple picture frames of him. Koh and her husband have an older son and are currently expecting another child.