Singapore Airlines offers US$10,000 to SQ321 passengers who suffered ‘minor injuries’

Singapore Airlines ( SIA ) apologized on Tuesday ( Jun 11 ) and made announcements of financial compensation for the 211 passengers who boarded the turbulence-hit SQ321.

Dozens of people were injured, some significantly, and one person died on table the May 20 journey.

SIA said&nbsp, presents of settlement were sent to people on Monday. &nbsp, Those who sustained “minor injuries” from the incident were offered US$ 10, 000 ( S$ 13, 500 ) in compensation.

We have invited those who received more severe injury from the event to talk about a settlement offer to satisfy each of their specific instances when they feel also and prepared to do so, according to SIA in a Twitter post.

” People who have been clinically assessed as having sustained severe injuries, requiring long-term health care, and requesting financial aid are offered an advance payment of US$ 25, 000 to meet their urgent needs. This will be included in the last payment these travelers will receive.

A full payment of the weather fare may be offered to&nbsp, all people of SQ321, including those who did not suffer any injuries. According to SIA, they would also be given pause compensation in accordance with EU or UK regulations.

The 18 staff people who were on board SQ321 were not given any payment. &nbsp,