Should you be worried about high blood sugar levels even if you’re not diabetic?

You have to be concerned about more than just dyslipidemia and Type 2 diabetes. ” Regular sugar spikes are generally followed by sugar accidents that may cause unexpected hunger pangs, desires, poor sleep, poor concentration and tiredness”, said Reutens. ” Over time, these symptoms result in poor food choices that can lead to an increased risk of some cancers, PCOS and infertility, and liver problems”.

Wong urged caution against “long-term blood glucose spikes can cause blood vessels to harden and narrow, which can result in a&nbsp, heart attack or stroke.”


No one looks forward to the low energy level, irritability, maybe even a headache or dizziness that accompany a post- meal sugar crash. And you could be wondering: Should I monitor my blood sugar levels, especially when there’s a family history of diabetes?

” A double-edged sword,” said Dr. Tan, “is closely monitoring one’s own blood sugar levels after a meal.” The positive effects of choosing healthier foods may be apparent as you start pursuing the right advice or reaffirm your resolve to stick to an already-healthy diet. ” Additionally, in people with undiagnosed prediabetes or diabetes, it could lead to earlier diagnosis”, he said.

However, the downside could be a false sense of complacency, said Dr Tan. If you do n’t have diabetes and do n’t notice a significant rise in your blood sugar levels, you might think it’s acceptable to go back to eating. Another drawback could be increased anxiety or an unhealthy obsession with constantly checking blood sugar levels when a person is otherwise healthy, he said.

Consult your doctor for advice and suggestions if you have any concerns about your blood sugar levels.