She was always feeling breathless and had excruciating back pain – she has a rare, incurable blood cancer

About three days after, she saw an orthopedic doctor, who scheduled an MRI ( magnetic resonance imaging ) test for a fortnight afterwards. But Wong was unable to delay for that interview. ” I was in so much discomfort, it was unbearable”, she said.

Her sister made arrangements for her to view an orthopedic surgeon at a private hospital the following morning. Even though she had never fallen or been hurt, she was sent for an MRI the following day, which revealed encoding bones in her top and bottom bones.

A week later, the doctor ordered a blood test, which confirmed that Wong had many cancer. She was instantly admitted to hospital. &nbsp,


” Multiple cancer is a blood cancer that affects a type of white blood cell called blood cells, which are found in the tooth marrow”, said Dr Melissa Ooi Gaik Ming, senior analyst at the Division of Haematology, National University Cancer Institute, Singapore (NCIS), whom CNA Women spoke with.

” Plasma cells serve a good man by making antibodies against pathogens like viruses and bacteria. Myeloma occurs when normal blood cells become diseased or malicious, and count wildly.

” Meremyeloma causes blood cells to generate in the bone marrow, weakening and harming the spine. According to Dr. Ooi, this may cause bone problems and bone as well as increase calcium levels in the blood.

Although uncommon, senior citizens over 65 years old and above, as well as those with family history, are significantly more likely to have the blood cancers. Wong does not slide into the high-risk party.