She makes hyper-realistic baby dolls for a living. They go for as much as US$6,000

After Lee and her supporters reported it, it took an additional two to three months before the false accounts was removed from the site.

One way to check a born doll’s authenticity is by taking into account its price. Her puppets were selling for about US$ 1,500 at the time, while the swindlers were selling their representations for US$ 220 each.

” So if you see something at that price range, … you ca n’t expect ( dolls that are ) very realistic, high-quality”, she advised.


Lee claims that her unconventional job journey had taken her a long time.

As a child, she had a passion for authenticity painting and drawing. Her father, however, was not sympathetic of her musical interests. He thought pursuing a career as an artist may be challenging and unlikely to generate a nice income.

But she set off her desires, focusing rather on labor and raising four children. After her youngest child passed her Major School Leaving Examination, Lee found some day to renew her love of decoration in 2021.

She took a one-day starter course in acrylic painting and then took a factory on reborn-doll artwork. She started getting questions from collectors looking to purchase her creations as she started posting development pictures of her figurines online.