Seen a tray-return robot at a food court recently? Cleaners tell us why not

One of the F&amp, B stores that stopped using the drones a few years previously claimed that the systems were only used when there was a lack of cleaning. &nbsp,

The director, who did not wish his title or company to be revealed because he was not authorized to speak to the media, claimed that the cost of repairing the robots gradually caused them to charge enough to pay for more cleaning staff.

Workers were still more powerful, he added. Additionally, workers may offer suggestions for faulty crockery and improvement opportunities. &nbsp,

A cleaner at a different restaurant that CNA visited complained that she had to clear the machine whenever a meal spilled food while attempting to put their box on a plate. &nbsp,

” The box return train is more practical and better”, said the clean, who did not want to be identified. &nbsp,” When we had the machine, some customers, like the elder, was never place the basket correctly and dropped them”.

However, the robots were able to transport many trays to washing stations, which was particularly beneficial for older cleaners. &nbsp,


Certainly all F&amp, B stores have stopped using these washing computers. &nbsp, Mrs Lee New Mang, who runs Daily Coffee in Chai Chee, said the robot&nbsp, helps open up people from table-clearing jobs. &nbsp,

The restaurant has been using a machine for more than a year to make it easier for customers to gain used dinnerware. It only has two levels for the recipes, making it much smaller than the ones used in coffee stores and food authorities.

The workers activates the robot to take dishes from certain tables. Then it will be returned to a tray-return stop where staff members will remove it once more at the other end of the restaurant. &nbsp,

Mrs. Lee claimed that the robot’s ability to maneuver around hurdles helped it reach its destination. &nbsp, &nbsp,

” It cannot change a employee, but it can help lessen their workload”, said Mrs Lee, 70. &nbsp,

The machine has also been a strike with buyers ‘ children, who love interacting with it, she added. &nbsp,