Sea robbery incidents in Singapore Strait continue to rise in first half of 2023


The centre’s executive director Krishnaswamy Natarajan said the increase in such incidents was driven by a socio-economic situation worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic, lower fish catch due to climate change and the prevailing Southwest monsoon.

He added that this has forced some locals living along the strait to turn to sea robbery and petty crimes to make ends meet.

“The Singapore Strait is one of the major international shipping routes which sees almost 1,000 ships a day … with an increasing volume of maritime trade as pandemic (restrictions) ease,” he told CNA’s Singapore Tonight on Friday (Jul 21).

“There are far too many opportunities available for the people in the region who are not economically sound, and who are looking to make a livelihood.”

While the incidents were “not alarming” as most fell under petty theft, the continued boarding of ships by perpetrators could lead to more serious situations, he said.

“In a threat situation, there can be a collision of ships in the area because they are manoeuvring so close to each other,” said Mr Natarajan. “It could be a dangerous situation which could lead to environmental disaster. (In such circumstances,) there could even be a closure of the strait temporarily until the situation improves.”

He said countries around the hotspots are making an effort to ensure the safe navigation of ships and put in place environmental protection measures.

However, he also urged governments to do more and step up law enforcement, enhance surveillance, increase patrols and respond promptly to incidents.