Science Centre cancels event discussing sex and gender after public feedback

A majority of Twitter users who commented on the Science Centre’s article criticized the event.

Some said they were&nbsp, “deeply concerned” or “appalled” about the topic of conversation, while others&nbsp, questioned the choice of speakers.

Dexter Aw, a Twitter user, wrote on the Science Centre’s Facebook write-up,” It’s appalling how this occasion was first approved, especially given that it came from Singapore Science Centre.”

” And interesting that none of the speakers have a medical background.”

Another person, Zara Ong, said she was “deeply concerned” about the board dialogue and asked if it would be a “biased debate”.

Another Facebook users expressed concern that such a subject would be discussed with” babies and boys” despite the fact that the event was intended for people over the age of 18 and over.

One user claimed he was “really interested in this debate,” while others lamented the event’s withdrawal.

Oogachaga, a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer ( LGBTQ ) non- profit organisation, noted that the Science Centre had planned the event since late last year.

Mr Leow Yangfa, senior director of Oogachaga, said the company was “very saddened and disappointed” after it was informed on Sunday of the withdrawal.

” As we understand, this was a result of external pressure, and Oogachaga was not involved at all in the decision”, he added.

” We are a little perplexed as to why and how other organizations and stakeholders have a significant influence on how an event should or should n’t go on.

A spokesperson for the Science Centre said that it routinely holds ticketed dinner parties as part of its Science Cafe occasion series, which promotes “interest in science and curiosity by featuring speakers from various fields who share their views on specific subjects.”

Only customers aged 18 and above are permitted to attend these types of events.

Past Science Cafe sessions covered topics like the effects of age, the fast development of mRNA vaccines during the COVID- 19 crisis, and the effects of artificial intelligence on imaginative innovations.