Rural India runs dry as thirsty megacity Mumbai sucks water


In a statement from July 2023, India’s government-run NITI Aayog public policy center forecasts a” steep decline in water supply by 2030.”

Additionally, it issued a warning about “increasing water shortages, depleting water tables, and deteriorating tool excellent.”

Groundwater tools “are being depleted at untenable costs”, it added, noting they make up some 40 per cent of overall water supplies.

It is a tale repeated across India, said Himanshu Thakkar, from the South Asia Network on Dams, River and People, a Delhi- based water rights plan party.

According to Thakkar, this is “typical of what keeps happening all over the country,” and it “represents everything that is wrong with India’s democratic business.”

Most jobs are only used by far-off industrial places and industries, he said, despite being planned and justified in the name of drought-prone regions and its people.

A flagship initiative to give tapped ocean to every family in 2019 was announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who took office this month.

Residents of Navinwadi town are resigned to surviving solely on the strictly rationed source, though.

When the waters ship arrives, dozens of women and kids sprint out with pots, pans, and containers.

Santosh Trambakh Dhonner, 50, a regular worker, said he joined the struggle as he had never found function that day.

” More fingers means more water at home”, he said.

Ganesh Waghe, 25, said people had complained and protested, but nothing was done.

” We are certainly living with any great ambitions”, Waghe said. ” Just a wish of waters the next day”.