Repeal of 377A: Workers’ Party recognises rights to equal treatment under law; respects rights of different groups to discuss positions

SINGAPORE: The Workers’ Party (WP) recognises the fundamental right of people to live free from fear plus discrimination and to become treated equally under the law, it said in a statement on Sunday (Aug 21) in response to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s National Day Move speech.  

“By the same token, we also respect the right various groups to hold and discuss positions according to their conscience, inch it added.

Mr Lee said in his speech that Singapore will repeal Area 377A of the Penal Code , a law that criminalises sex between guys, adding that the Authorities will also amend the Constitution to protect the meaning of marriage – currently recognised legally as taking place between one man and another woman – from being challenged constitutionally in the courts.

In its statement, the particular WP added that Singapore is a pluralistic society that contains multiple religions, ethnicities, cultures, and different languages.  

“Mutual accommodation and tolerance are critical factors for legislation in our context, ” WP said.  

The party added that it will take part in the debate within Parliament on the repeal of Section 377A of the Penal Code and the proposed change to the Constitution concerning marriage, in light of the amendments that the government will table.

The WP mentioned that while the issues associated with 377A and the definition of marriage are very important issues for community, there are other issues dealing with the nation .  

“This is a time when higher levels of inflation and cost of living continue to impact Singaporean households, especially those on fixed incomes and low-to-middle incomes, ” the statement read.

The WP repetitive calls it has made in Parliament for specific reforms to address the particular “bread and butter concerns”.