Reel vs real romance: Why do women yearn for the way love and relationships are portrayed on TV?

Another exaggerated expectation is that the relationship’s initial fervor and intensity will not wane. Love may give way to more profound feelings of love, understanding, and compassion as relationships develop and mature, according to Dr. Chow.

Incidentally, my friend’s mother told her exactly this when she was in her thirties and nursing a broken heart. The lights did stop. But when things get tough, the flames ‘ comfortable warmth will keep you warm.

The same is true of anticipating being swept off one’s foot with extravagant romantic gestures, like as surprise vacations worldwide, pricey gifts, or even an all-inclusive paid shopping excursion, like Richard Gere and Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. &nbsp,

And of course, having faith that love will triumph over all challenges, including cruel stepmothers, childhood injury, and also memory. Love is actually only one aspect of a marriage, according to Dr. Tan. She continued,” A relationship requires two hands to cry, and both events must make it work.”

According to Dr. Chow, the risk of having such irrational expectations is that they might result in sadness or dissatisfaction when the real-life relationship falls short of the fantasy in the movies. or, worse yet, cause people to doubt the strength of their associations and put undue strain on their partners and themselves.