Rare Javan rhino calf spotted in Indonesia

A new Javan rhinoceros baby has been discovered in an Indian federal playground, giving hope to the preservation of one of the nation’s most threatened mammals.

One of the 126 lens nets installed in Ujung Kulon National Park on Java island was able to capture the leg, which is thought to be between three and five weeks old, in film released on Thursday ( April 4).

The animal, whose sex remains unidentified, was seen to be walking with its family inside the area, the last remaining exotic wildlife for Javan animals.

” Praise God, this is great news and proves that Javan animals, which only exist in Ujung Kulon, you type properly”, top culture ministry official Satyawan Pudyatmoko said in a statement on Saturday.

Authorities believe there are 82 unique rhinos inside the 120, 000- acre temple of beautiful forests and freshwater streams after years of community decline.

Javan rhino have soft folds on their body, giving the impression of having armor-plating.

They previously had a corresponding number in Southeast Asia, but have since experienced severe damage from widespread poaching and mortal encroachment on their natural habitats.