Rapidus ‘last opportunity’ to put Japan back on global chip map


By around 2027, worldwide demand for advanced, energy- successful semiconductors is expected to explode as AI and electronic technologies deeper enter people’s daily lives, Higashi said.

In the hope that Japan, a again world-leading technology pioneer, may regain its border with AI, US tech companies like Google and OpenAI are investing heavily in the country.

The CEO of Nvidia, whose bits now dominate in AI, said the firm had “do our really, really best” to provide Japan.

But it is obvious that it must concentrate less on international source, Higashi said, adding:” We are becoming a modern society. All kinds of companies in Japan will depend greatly on semiconductors”.

In the 1980s and the early 1990s, Japan was a significant person in the silicon sector, dominating the market share and eclipsing competitors like NEC and Toshiba.

Then it accounts for about 10 per share of the business, although it remains a leader in device- producing equipment and materials, with firms for as Higashi’s previous employer Tokyo Electron.

However, Japan’s goals also have a political dimension because it, along with the United States and other countries, are trying to reduce their reliance on TSMC factories in Taiwan due to worries about a Chinese war.

Washington is also attempting to slow down Beijing’s AI travel by limiting the offer of next-generation chips to China.

Higashi said he anticipated firms in friendly countries like Japan and the United States to promote tasks to sustain global supply chains, but he opted not to immediately discuss geopolitics.

” In Japan, like the United States, there are many big manufacturing technology firms and supplies businesses. They are dealing with clients that require extremely innovative materials”, he said.

” Those equipment manufacturers and substances companies are supporting us,” the statement reads.

And its achievements may encourage young engineers to more development Japan’s chip sector, he added.

” We must develop new electronics and inspire people to think that we can build a new earth,” he said.