Pupils ‘need lessons in leadership’

Schools need to put more emphasis on teaching students leadership and other skills, prominent Thai academics said at an international symposium in Bangkok.

The world is constantly changing and students will struggle to keep up and cope with the dynamic page of change if they are still hamstrung by the old teaching system, said Pakinai Soontornwipat, the principal of Satit Bangna School.

He was speaking at the Asia Pacific Education Symposium on Wednesday, organised by PacRim Education and FranklinCovey.

“Teachers must teach our kids to be initiators and innovators to cope with the unforeseeable future,” he said.

He said schools need to drop the punishments they mete out such as shaming students who arrive late in front of their peers, or cutting students’ hair, as they will encourage bad habits.

“The most important thing is us, the school principals, is to lead students with creativity so they can learn from us,” Mr Pakinai added.

Nadrudee Chitrangsan, the principal of Sujipuli School, said schools must play a bigger role than just equipping children with academic knowledge — they must also teach them “life skills”.

“The skill they need [most] is that of leadership, and it is very important for educators to guide them since they are young because it will later serve as the foundation for them in living their lives,” she said. “If we can instil leadership in students, their academic performance will improve,” she added.

Pornpimol Phisutthiphanpong, dean of Pimandek Chiangmai School, said leadership skills should be integrated into curricula at all levels of a child’s schooling.