Prices of bak kwa climb this Chinese New Year season, as sellers cope with higher costs of materials, manpower

Customers also physically travel to “absorb the Chinese New Year ceremonies in Chinatown,” according to Mr. Lim, despite the fact that his business has an online program.

Additionally, some people had missed the online pre-order timeframe, he added.

According to Mr. Lim, some customers even make it a habit to travel down to obtain bak kwa each year, taking advantage of the chance to meet up with friends.

We continue to choose to wait in line because I believe the value is superior ( and it tastes better ). One user told CNA,” And by doing some Taiwanese New Year shopping, we get to experience the mood of the country.”


However, according to sellers, more customers are now turning to e-commerce to find their bak kwa correct.

This holiday season, 70 % of Kim Joo Guan’s profits have been made online.

According to Mr. Ong,” I believe more people are used to ordering online and choosing delivery service after the ( COVID-19 ) pandemic.”