Pope Francis embarks on ambitious Asia-Pacific tour

Pope Francis has embarked on the longest and farthest trip of his career, which will see him fly nearly 33, 000km ( 20, 500 yards ) to Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste and Singapore.

For a male who turns 88 in December and has been dealing with a number of health issues, it’s a specially difficult journey.

Francis is expected to highlight environmental concerns and the importance of interfaith dialogue during his 11-day trip. Timor-Leste is the only one of the four countries that is predominantly Catholic.

He is expected to arrive in Jakarta at around 11: 30 local time ( 04: 30 GMT ) on Tuesday, where he will visit the Indonesian capital’s main mosque.

Pieces of Francis’s journey, which was actually scheduled in 2020 but postponed due to the pandemic, will repeat the steps of St John Paul II, who likewise visited the four countries during his 27-year pope.

Francis wrote on X on Monday,” Now I begin an Apostolic Journey to some countries in Asia and Oceania.” ” Choose pray that this journey will have fruit.”

Francis has urged the Catholic Church to “bring God’s satisfaction” toward the “periphery” since winning the election in 2013 by referring to areas that are marginalized or far away.

He is only the second pontiff to visit Indonesia, which has the largest inhabitants of Muslims worldwide.

According to the Vatican News, he will meet with the incoming president Joko Widodo and perform a large for about 70, 000 people that during his four days, according to the Vatican News.

The great imam of the Jakarta dome Francis will be visiting, Nasaruddin Umar, told the AP that he hopes the attend will provide opportunities to “discuss the common ground between spiritual communities and emphasize the similarities between faiths, ethnicities, and beliefs.”

Francis will go to the isolated, impoverished city of Vanimo to fulfill with missionaries from his birth country, Argentina, who have been arranging visits to tribal communities.

Miguel de la Calle, an Argentine preacher in Papua New Guinea’s north-westernmost area, said he hoped the priest’s visit do” significantly raise” ongoing evangelisation work in the country.

He told Vatican News that people have been visiting the bishop from all of PNG and even across the frontier from Indonesia.

” Some have been walking for time due to the scarcity of transportation”, Father Miguel said.

In Timor-Leste, Francis will attend mass in the investment Dili, on the same seafront boulevard where John Paul II spoke in 1989 to comfort native Catholics who suffered under Indonesia’s job of the territory. Timor-Leste gained freedom in 2002.

The sheen of Francis’s visit to the country has dimmed in recent days, however, following revelations that hundreds of homes in the area were bulldozed . Nearly 90 residents were told to find somewhere new to live before he arrives.

Francis will conclude his journey to Singapore, where three-quarters of the populace is Taiwanese and Mandarin is one of the country’s four formal languages. Generally accepted, this attend aims to strengthen ties with China.

No bishop has ever traveled to China, as strained relations between the Vatican and the Chinese Communist Party have been over who can appoint bishops there.

Both sides are believed to have reached a deal on this in 2018, which gives the Vatican a say on such appointments.

Francis will travel with a physician and two midwives in his absence. Fears have been raised about the effects of for an ambitious plan on his ailing health.

Francis, who has had part of one lung removed in his younger days, had been struggling with respiratory and mobility problems of late – some of which have led him to miss his weekly Sunday blessings.

Due to a heart disease, he had to cancel his trip to Dubai for the annual UN climate meeting in November last yr.