As they look into alleged participation by illegal Chinese businesses in the delivery of , accommodation for Foreign visitors, police have conducted raids on many businesses in Chon Buri state, including beach villas.  ,
According to the Central Investigation Bureau, Economic Crime Suppression Division officers conducted a search of five components, including villas cover Chinese tourists, on Sunday as part of Operation Dragon Slayer, on Monday.
The CIB claims that the attacks were a part of an ongoing investigation into allegations that illegal Chinese firms, including call-scam gangs, were investing in unpaid expenses in rented out accommodations to Chinese visitors.
The detailed clients were businesses registered for planned visit deals,  , and related business. Their Chinese customers paid in modern money, foreign currencies, and cash.
According to authorities, the villas that were searched had been valued at more than 20 million baht. They were not named in the CIB statement.
More than 40 companies have substitute owners listed for the Foreign owners, according to investigators.