Police investigating two kids for alleged involvement in killer litter incident in Ang Mo Kio

Police investigating two kids for alleged involvement in killer litter incident in Ang Mo Kio

SINGAPORE: After a murderous litter incident in Ang Mo Kio, two children are being investigated by the police for their alleged involvement in it. Items, including an infant bicycle, were thrown over the parapet of the Housing Board ( HDB ) block. & nbsp,

A boy in a grey T-shirt can be seen throwing an object over the parapet on closed-circuit television( CCTV ) in the video, which was posted on the Instagram account sgfollowsall on Wednesday( Oct 11 ), as the girl wearing the pink blouse observes. & nbsp,

Later, he grabbed a bike and threw it over the wall. The two next took off running.

The authorities responded to CNA’s questions by confirming on Thursday that an investigation was ongoing and a report had been filed. & nbsp,

The kids are seen in the film reportedly engaging in murderous littering at Block 244 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 1. & nbsp,

The town council was” aware of the unfortunate situation ,” according to an Ang Mo Kio Town Council( AMKTC ) spokesperson, and its cleaners had taken the broken bicycle away.

It continued by saying that it had gotten in touch with the officers and was informed that they were looking into the matter. In addition, & nbsp,

In the interest of ensuring the public safety of all residents,” AMKTC will continue to educate and inform people to keep their passageways clear of obstructions and sustain their environment.”