Planet QEOS and China’s CMEC propose US$2.12bil privately funded solar plus sustainable agri project in Sarawak

  • Over a 1.2k hectares site in Baram, an Agrovoltaic Complex worth 1000MW will be built.
  • Generate 170k MT of carbon-neutral animal feed and 1430 GWh of electricity annually.

Lam Poh Lian, co-founder at Planet QEOS; Dino Bidari, chairman at Planet QEOS; Abang Johari, Sarawak Premier; Sirai Daha, Permanent Secretary Ministry of Food Industry, Commodity and Regional Development; Jafri Lias, Permanent Secretary Ministry of Utility and Telecommunication and Datu Lester Matthew, Director of EPU Sarawak.

Abang Johari, the prime minister of Sarawak, was briefed yesterday by China Machinery Engineering Corporation ( CMEC ) and Planet QEOS, a company that promotes sustainable agriculture and energy, on an innovative model for the US$ 2.12 billion ( RM10 billion ) privately funded, technologically advanced, 1, 000MWh solar plant integrated with Sustainable Animal Feed Economics ( SAFE ) in an 1, 200ha site in Baram, an area in the Marudi district.

Three tech entrepreneurs, including Sarawakians Dino Bidari and Dr. Gabriel Walter, as well as Lam Poh Lian, a long-time top executive who joined Gabriel, an ex-R&amp, D Scientist in semiconductors from the University of Illinois Urbana- Chardonnay who returned to Malaysia in 2008 to start an advanced technology startup, are the ambitious founder behind SAFE Agrovoltaic systems and CMEC’s funding commitment.

When the Chinese company built the initial coal-fired grow in Sarawak in 1998, CMEC had a long story there. Today, it plans to construct the country’s first SAFE Agrovoltaic by investing and financing it with Planet QEOS for RM10 billion.

Within 24 months of beginning design, CMEC and Planet QEOS will co-develop and finish the 1000MW solar SAFE Agrovoltaic, across 1200ha, to produce 1, 200 new non-construction jobs, including 250 very competent engineering jobs in clean energy, production, agriculture, and animal, while supporting thousands of local farmers and small-scale businesses in Baram.

The 2.1GW Al Dhafra flower in the UAE, CMEC’s largest solar power plant, was just finished with a history rate of 19 times.

The SAFE Agrovoltaic land is expected to produce an annual 1430 GWh of power, 170, 000 MT of coal neutral Pet Feed, and 25 million Carbon natural broiler chickens at fixed, predetermined and green prices for 30 years thanks to a patent pending technology. The Sarawak market may have access to both green energy and poultry prices for many years to come, according to a statement from PlanetQEOS.

The SAFE Agrovoltaic also stands out for its promise to enable a 24-hour grid-scale power supply, enabling solar-powered power to compete with other big and reliable energy sources. This will be accomplished by installing the second-largest energy storage system in the world, which has a capability of up to 2000 Megawatts. California has the largest battery energy storage system in the world at 3, 000 MWh.

According to Planet QEOS, the Baram Agrovoltaic project will enable green solar energy to directly replace energy produced by natural gas power plants, reducing greenhouse gas emissions ( GHG ) by 640, 000 mtCO2eq annually, or eliminating emissions from 140,000 ICE vehicles.

Motivated by Premier Abang Johari’s efforts to make Sarawak a natural business,

The perception of Premier Abang Johari, whose drive to change the business and agriculture dominated Sarawak economy into a green economy with emphasis on alternative energy generation, present sustainable agriculture while ensuring equitable distribution of wealth to the population, is credited by Planet QEOS for its innovative approach in combining green energy with agriculture.

The document must be delivered to the Premier by June, and the state Economic Planning Unit has been given instructions to create a specific technical commission to investigate all pertinent issues, such as the need for land and network requirements.

Data was the main factor in Baram’s selection as the site for Planet QEOS’ Agrovoltaic venture. According to Planet QEOS, Baram’s solar brightness is among the best in Malaysia and the area, receiving an average of 4.8 to 5.2 k Wh/m2 per day, according to 20 years of continuous statistics compiled by SOLARGIS, a dataset supported and made available by the World Bank Group.

As a result, Baram’s agricultural land covers more than 10, 000 square kilometers and has renewable energy potential of over 200, 000MW. With 9,500 square kilometers, that is a larger area region than Kedah in northeastern Malaysia.

Data will be a crucial part of the project

In order to unlock and maximize the full potential for the integration of the alternative energy economy and carbon neutral agriculture in Baram, this second privately funded, completely updated, land-based Agrovoltaic in Sarawak may mine important large-scale data for research and development. First off, a 100ha may be planted with high-yield corn as part of the project’s agricultural component, which will serve as the primary food source for the local populace. With the aid of cutting-edge renewable technologies models, the corn will be grown amidst the solar panels.

According to Planet QEOS, the SAFE Agrovoltaic project can produce power comparable to 400MW Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Plant (CCGT ) but at a much lower long-term energy cost and by reducing GHG by 1.54 million mtCO2eq annually.