Phuket police find bogus firms processing visa applications

Phuket police find bogus firms processing visa applications
On Wednesday, authorities are questioning individuals at a seized place in Phuket. ( Photo supplied )

On Wednesday and Thursday, authorities in Phuket, southern island province, conducted searches of eight locations, with the suspects of a Russian-led money-laundering operation and some Thai businessmen of starting fictitious businesses to help foreigners apply for work permits and visas.

These raids were ordered by Pol Maj Gen Montree Theskhan, the head of the Crime Suppression Division ( CSD ), in response to officials ‘ finding of suspicious financial transactions involving a Russian man, according to Pol Maj Gen Montree Theskhan.

A target was tricked into installing an application software that transferred 500, 000 ringgit from the victim’s bank accounts to the Russian bill before this revelation. The money was then taken out of the listed accounts in Phuket.

The suspect likewise received bitcoins from non- judicial cards, said the CSD chief. The revenues were transferred to his bank accounts in Thailand after the bitcoin were sold, and the money was then immediately withdrawn.

Between July 7 and November 19 last year, investigators discovered that the Russian also withdrew 186 million baht from three bank accounts using automatic teller machines ( ATMs) at various locations. According to Pol Maj Gen Montree, the amount of money withdrawn was allegedly too high and the deals may point to cash fraud. &nbsp,

The Russian person had recently presented a document claiming to work for a company in Phuket.

The Crime Suppression Sub-division 5’s chief executive, Pol Col Phatrawut Onchuai, claimed the organization was in business and appeared to have been established to make false documents to support foreigner programs for work permits and visas.

Two Thai people and a Soviet woman served as the company’s executives and owners. Additionally, the ladies held the positions of managers and owners in 37 different businesses. &nbsp,

According to Pol Col Phatrawut, investigators uncovered them as supporting legal activities by foreigners, leading to the attacks on the eight areas linked to the presumed companies.

During the attacks, the officers found mostly empty areas. The two Thai women also admitted to starting fictitious businesses to help unusual applicants for work permits and visas. They were even involved in processing like uses, Pol Col Phatrawut said.

During the procedure, police likewise discovered passports for more than 50 businesses.