Parliament debate on Singapore Budget 2023 starts Feb 22

SINGAPORE: Parliament will start debating the Budget 2023 statement on Wednesday (Feb 22).

It is expected to go on for at least two days before Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Lawrence Wong delivers the round-up speech, clarifies queries from Members of Parliament and sums up the Budget. 

This will be followed by the Committee of Supply debates, which allow Parliament to examine each ministry’s plans.

Budget 2023 was delivered on Feb 14, with cash payouts to help Singaporeans cope with the cost of living and measures aimed at securing the country’s prospects in a post-pandemic world.

Increased housing grants were announced for eligible first-timer families buying Housing Board resale flats, and the CPF monthly salary ceiling will be raised in stages from S$6,000 to S$8,000.

As part of measures to support parents, government-paid paternity leave will be doubled from two to four weeks.