Novice school gets recognition

The Wat Phra Kaeo Don Tao Suchadaram School for novices in Lampang should serve as a model school due to its ability to produce high-quality students, according to the Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (ONESQA) following their assessment of educational institutions in the kingdom.Continue Reading

Xi Jinping’s third term: After a decade of building the Belt and Road, where does China go from here?

“Being labelled as China’s ‘strongman’ after Mao Zedong, Xi has proven himself as a different kind of Chinese leader.  “Through his constant consolidation of power within the party and the country’s political system, he has showcased his ambition and growing confidence by pursuing the BRI at the world stage –Continue Reading

Thousands honour Rama IX

Thousands of people converged at Chalerm Phrakiat Park in Dusit district on Thursday to observe a royal ceremony presided over by His Majesty the King, marking the unveiling of a statue of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej The Great in remembrance of the late king.Continue Reading