North Korea’s nuclear threat takes an underwater turn

North Korea is flexing its weapons of mass destruction (WMD) capabilities again with a new nuclear-armed underwater drone and nuclear-capable subsonic cruise missiles. Last week, The Wall Street Journal reported that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un presided over tests of a new nuclear-armed underwater drone. This test demonstrated the weapon infiltrating enemy waters and […]Continue Reading

Should the US ban TikTok? Can it?

TikTok chief executive officer Shou Zi Chew testified before the US House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee on March 23 amid a chorus of calls from members of Congress for the federal government to ban the Chinese-owned video social-media applicationt and reports that President Joe Biden’s administration is pushing for the company’s sale. The […]Continue Reading

The success – and failures – of World Bank reforms

Development projects can have profound impacts on their societies. There are many benefits that flow from building new roads and power plants, and from modernizing agricultural practices. But they can also have permanent negative consequences. For example, communities may be involuntarily relocated to make way for roads or power plants. These projects can change the […]Continue Reading