US making big new economic moves on Taiwan

Growing confrontation and competition between the United States and China has paved the way for closer US-Taiwan economic relations. Taiwan could take advantage of this changing geopolitical environment to advance deeper institutionalized trade ties with the United States. A complex supply chain network between US and Taiwanese companies has grown over decades. Despite this close […]Continue Reading

World Bank, BRICS Bank have new leaders and different outlooks

In late February, US President Joe Biden announced that the United States had placed the nomination of Ajay Banga to be the next head of the World Bank, established in 1944. There will be no other official candidates for this job since, by convention, the US nominee is automatically selected for the post. This has been the […]Continue Reading

‘Growth recession’ beckoning for the US

The latest jobs report is in, and the good news is Federal Reserve policy on inflation appears to be working. The bad news is Fed policy on inflation appears to be working. The March 2023 jobs report reveals that the US economy added 236,000 jobs during the month – roughly in line with expectations. A […]Continue Reading