One in three Malaysian have never used AI at work: Randstad

  • More than 1 in 5 employees use AI usually or every day at work.
  • 81 % of Malay responders are aware of the impact AI will have on their employment.

One in three Malaysian have never used AI at work: Randstad

One in three Malay has never used AI at work, and another ten percent of those who have used AI tools only when, illustrating a considerable coverage gap in Malaysian skill development.

The total effects of Randstad’s 9th monthly Employer Brand Research in Malaysia have been made available. The study, which Kantar TNS conducted in January 2024, surveyed more than 173,000 people all over the world, including 2,500 from Malaysia, making it what it claims to be the most thorough company branding analysis based on general talent views.

One in three Malaysian have never used AI at work: RandstadFahad Naeem, state chairman at Randstad Malaysia, said,” The quarterly firm brand research guides employers with year-on-year analysis, as well as talent attitudes and opinions on important matters like skill development and equity. AI systems will continue to alter labor structures and skill requirements, and investing in talent development may help businesses find competent talent and entice more Malaysian workers to work there.

81 % of Malay are affected by AI at work.

More than one in five employees, particularly Gen Zers ( 36 % ) and Millennials ( 24 % ), are currently using AI at work every day or frequently, according to the survey. But, 34 percent of respondents said they have not used AI tools at work.

Importantly, there are major generational disparities regarding Iot exposure. At job, 42 percent of Gen Xers have not used AI, and this increases to 73 percent for Baby Boomers.

In Malaysia, 81 percent of respondents understand the impact AI will have on their work. Despite the fact that 71 percent of Gen Xers believe that AI will have an effect on their careers, compared to a whopping 75 % of Gen Xers who have never had any prior work experience. This is similar to Gen Zers (74 percent ) and Millennials ( 73 percent ), who are already more familiar with AI, the survey stated.

It added that, cheerily, labor attitudes on AI’s influence at work bias good, with 45 percent of respondents stating that it will enhance their job satisfaction. Importantly, those already using AI and the higher-educated are more positive that AI will enhance their career happiness, it said.

One in three Malaysian have never used AI at work: Randstad

Naeem said,” The development of AI has been fascinating, but it’s regular for people to know how it will affect their profession. First exposure to new technology may improve their career prospects and promote organizational skills development. Employers should move up to support their workers ‘ skill development as a result of the rapid and considerable advancement in AI connectivity.

One in ten responders, according to the study, did not receive enough opportunities to advance in their field. Workers who do not have opportunities for advancements in their careers are twice as likely to leave their organizations ( 31 % ) than those who do ( 31 % ).

Salary &amp, gains top of mind for indonesian job applicants

According to the report,” Attractive salary and benefits” stand out as the top priority for respondents when looking for an ideal employer to work for in Malaysia, followed by a” good work-life balance”.

The importance of” Strong Management” has also regaining popularity as the third most crucial workplace value statement after moving up to second place in 2023.

According to the report, people who leave their jobs also cite inadequate work-life balance as a major reason for their jobs, which highlights that 48 % of job switchers seek out new companies to improve it. Also, one in three Malay reported leaving their jobs as a result of rising living costs and low salaries.

Naeem continued,” The cost of living has significantly increased over the past two decades, which has resulted in some Malay looking for higher-paying work. Given that dwelling costs have increased in comparison to pay, this is not surprising. People who are overly stressed out about their personal income are also more likely to lose concentration at work. Some in-demand workers are reluctant to change careers as a result of the current economic climate. Therefore, it is crucial for employers looking to hire skill to be aware of both the expectations of candidates and the new business salary averages that their rivals offer.

One in three Malaysian have never used AI at work: Randstad

When questioned if their companies had offered them financial assistance to control the rising cost of living, 35 % of the time said no. Only 10 % of their businesses gave them one-time financial assistance, and another 34 percent claimed that their pay raise had helped to include some of the costs.

Employer Brand Research, which was commissioned by Randstad in its ninth season, features the opinions of at least 2,500 Malaysian responders.

The report includes more in-depth research findings that may aid businesses and employers in developing their boss branding strategies and attracting top talent to Malaysia. Companies are provided with year-over-year trends examination of the top 10 employee value statement factors as well as insights into skills perceptions on crucial human resource issues like capital at work and the effects of AI on skills.

Click here to view a copy of the report.