OCSC denies endorsing candidate”s degree

OCSC denies endorsing candidate's degree
Keskamol Pleansamai ( picture from her Instagram account ):

The Office of the Civil Service Commission ( OCSC ) on Sunday denied endorsing the California University Foreign Credentials Evaluation (FCE ) Institution’s equivalency assessments.

The academy was mentioned just by senator-elect Keskamol Pleansamai, who is said to have graduated from the university with a PhD in enterprise management.

Dr. Keskamol is the congressional candidate who received the most votes on June 26 during the last round of the regional Senate election. Due to the backlash caused by her educational background, netizens discovered the institute could simply issue certificates, no degrees.

According to the site for the California University Foreign Credentials Evaluation, the Thai congress and the OCSC both endorsed degrees earned as a result of their similarity assessments of courses taken by Thai public institutions.

The OCSC responded by saying it has checked and found no state firms or models have sent any degrees from the university concerned, a guide to the California University FCE, for the OCSC’s support as a prerequisite for applying for positions or sessions in state firms.

Additionally, the OCSC reaffirmed that California University FCE not published any announcements or details on its website.

Pictures of a computer screen displaying like a notification were thought to have been widely circulated online.

The OCSC said it reserves the right to file legal actions against anyone who is held accountable for any misleading information that is made public.

Issara Sereewatthanawut, assistant secretary-general of King Prajadhipok’s Institute, said Dr Keskamol may share pictures of her PhD granted by the university and her dissertation with the people to show her qualifications.

Former election inspector Somchai Srisutthiyakorn lately posted on Facebook pleading for parliament to investigate OCSC’s reported endorsement of California University FCE levels on its website.

In different news, senate-elect Yukol Chanawatpanya, who was selected from the elderly, disabled, and ethnic groups in the Senate election, said he wants the Senate speech and assistant Senate speech individuals to share their perception before elections are held.

Senators are free to influence their political decisions in the race, he said.

The Senate speaker and his or her deputies should be non-partisan and free of manipulation, he noted. He was speaking in response to reports that many senators have ties to political parties, which has irritated those who believe the country should be more independent.